
起底SIG Combibloc

By xrspook @ 22:22:21 归类于: 烂日记

自从星期三早上无意中发现这个“康美包”以后,它成了我这几天的主要话题。SIG公司的Combibloc,和瑞士Tetra Pak的“利乐包”是死对头之中的死对头。在无菌纸包装方面两个真的斗得你死我活,当然啦就现在得中国而言,利乐是赢家,绝对的主宰,而康美,数量少得我发现了就得乐几天。


今天压抑不住自己的兴奋,机械课后拿着“康美伊利”去找“英叔”了。我告诉他这是我第一次看到牛奶上用了康美包装。他微笑地回答我应该是有不少的,比如说“汇源果汁”,说真的,几个星期前我已经去超市把不在冰箱的纸包装全看过了,基本上都是利乐的,如果不是的就什么都不是。就如我昨天看到“晨光”的“清凉茶”和“菊花茶”(都是砖头250mL饮料)什么的就找遍包装都看不到到底是用哪个品牌的包装纸来包装的。所以他说的时候我有点不相信,但我没有表示太多的否定,毕竟自己不是100%肯定,还是亲自去证实一下比较好。也问了他到底“IP”是不是指“International Paper”,他回答得十分肯定。他还说包工的学生还要到International Paper的工厂参观实习,真让人羡慕。

说起康美,我说康美比利乐用的纸要少(前一个用5层纸,后一个用7层纸),于是重量就有明显的差别。是不是因为这个所以牛奶就可以减价呢?因为近来牛奶的确减价了,24×250mL的伊利或蒙牛纯牛奶本来要卖40块以上,现在已经跌破了39元,而且好像一直在跌。老师否认了我的猜测,他说康美的生产线要比利乐贵,而且康美只有苏州一个厂,虽然康美号称要打入中国市场,但还要一段日子。《食品加工机械与设备》包装那章是“英叔”的杰作,不过被崔主编删掉了不少,于是在找“英叔”之前我认真地浏览了那一部分关于康美的。怎么那么奇怪,书本上说康美包是德国公司的,但显然,SIG才是康美包的主人啊?于是就这个问题,我咨询了“英叔”,老师说这是因为两个公司股权问题什么的。于是就这个问题我就更上心了,今天又特意看了SIG的中文公司简介,原来SIG康美包的所有机械都是由一家德国公司设计生产,但却是瑞士Neuhausen am Rheinfall工业集团所有。所以啊,我和“英叔”都没错,在中文网页上大都是写“瑞士的康美包”如何如何,但实际,最最直接的操作是由德国公司完成,所以,康美包标志附近印的仍旧是SIG。

说到我去找康美包的资料,“英叔”挺有兴趣,他说他利乐和IP的资料都有不少了,就是康美的还不完善。当听说我下载了个介绍的中文PDF的时候我简直能看到他的兴奋。如果只是英文的他也一定会很高兴的,他和我都从来不会想到那些介绍公司的PDF小册子还会有中文的,喜出望外(当然啦,他喜的不是有中文介绍啦)。他很着急地问我有没有什么设备图片什么的,毕竟我星期三的搜索只是客串,知道一下大概状况而已,我还没打算那时去淘金,但经过老师这番话以后我决定马上会宿舍上网——起底SIG Combibloc。

把SIG Combibloc可以下载的资料都下载了,特别是那些机械大图片(虽然只有几张),我看不出个所以然,但老师大概知道那是什么。其实可以下载的资料也没有什么机密成分,但作为教学用途,某些流程图片已经很不错了,把流程都弄清楚已经很厉害。毕竟要说服客商信任他们的机器,他们必须要说明白那些只是懂经济的客人,所以某些流程是有一定的说明的。结合“英叔”写的那章包装,看得出来,他做了翻译了,也对图片做了适当的调整,就和我暑假所做的一样,除了把一些流程文字翻译过来以外还用软件把图片弄过了,图片注释也翻译为中文了。对比着看你就可以发现他和其它章节的作者的态度不同,大概也有经验不同的原因吧,他把流程都A、B、C、D写得清清楚楚,而其他人大概就只用一小段文字带过。终于明白他今天为什么说别人写得有点乱,只有他自己的那些好,但写得好也没用,上交后被主编删得只剩下骨头……

花费了大概3个多消失转悠SIG Combibloc的网站,然后把战利品一骨碌地发给了老师。我可真不知道什么有用什么没用啊。但是无意中下载了一套关于罐头PDF,里面详细地叙述了整个工艺流程,可怜啦,我们学工艺的时候,班主任可从来没有引用过实实在在的罐头整套流程的先进例子,大概我应该把那个发给班主任。每当想到工艺课上说要测罐头的中心温度就要打开罐头,插个温度计进去中心部位,我晕啊!这样的罐头要测多少?测少了就不够普遍,测多了我还用赚钱?还有那些破坏性的测真空度的方法,晕啊,晕啊~~~




By xrspook @ 19:05:00 归类于: 烂日记


昨天我完全是死心了,但晚上11点多我居然收到了Daniela的email,是个邀请函,邀请我加入新的论坛,是以“fans VIP”的身份加入,也就是说你即使注册了,不通过坛主的批准依然是没用。我第一反应是喜出望外,什么都没想就去注册了。然后发现登陆不了,应该是身份未被确定的原因。我是第5个注册的,真的很惊讶,暂时为止我是那里唯一的亚洲人,一个不懂西班牙语的VIP。

为什么是我而不是其他人?是他们的反应相对迟缓吗?是因为他们没注意自己的邮件吗?不知道,总之,我很快。注册只用了1分钟,但我为此付出了一个多小时回复邮件,因为回首自己的Mi Internacional Cielo,我于心有愧,那里一年前的文章我没有做到引用出处。出处很重要,如果论文上不写出处就不能获得通过,不写出处对原作者不公,是剽窃的行为!但2004年还没有上大学,还没有写过论文的xrspook不知道这些。于是我首先向坛主写了点“悔过书”,然后再把自己所拥有的网络资源全数共享,这是我唯一可以做的,我唯一可以有点补偿的。注册了,就意味着我再次肩负起重任,发扬光大某些东西,继续做“线人”。

我完全明白Daniela之所以这样做的原因,因为她实在顶不顺某些匈牙利和意大利的粉丝。还记得在Fan de Club关闭的最后48小时内,很多人都做了最后的留言,包括我啦,记得有个好像叫做Simone(差不多,具体不太记得)说了些让人很气愤的话,她谴责Martha不负责任的行为(突然关闭Fan de Club),说如果那里关闭了将有更多的Fan de Club会取而代之,于是Daniela耐心地给她解释了,但她还是在别人的地方乱撒野,我记得Daniela最后是气到了要她永远不要再出现。她真的气得不行了,我也很气,那人怎么可以这样,如果自己不喜欢可以去说,但为什么要在别人的地方骂人。我个人而言,我不喜欢匈牙利和捷克的粉丝,他们的行为也很可耻。当知道MarcelaJorge分开了,论坛要关闭以后,以Katerina为首的他们居然敢联名在Marcela的帖子里说他们随时欢迎Marcela和他们联系,把与Jorge的生活给他们细细说来,当然包括离婚的原因。这样做是不是太欺人太甚了!别人已经够惨的了还要挖开人家刚好有点好转的伤口,说要看看到底是怎么发炎的,太人渣,太没人道了!

我更倾向于西班牙和拉美各国的粉丝,他们总会给我很多帮助,他们都很善意,从字里行间就能看出来。我们再次走到一起目的不是要再做一个Fan de Club来取代,我们只是为了能有个能留住记忆的地方,原来那个的地位在我心目中无法取代,是第一个也永远是最后一个。可以说,我们的圈子变小了,但我敢到更温暖了,因为从前的那些另人不愉快的人都消失了。记得曾几何时曾经发过邮件给Katerina,她是唯一一个没有给我回复的外国人。其余的都会很快回复,即便是久也不会超过3天,而她,一直没有当我是回事。大概就是因为我的那封邮件,她,匈牙利的粉丝就和捷克的粉丝团结起来了,匈牙利语+捷克语简直给你看你也猜不出到底是什么。匈牙利语翻译为英语的网站真的很少,而且质量也不怎么样,因为有这个人,我对匈牙利没什么好感。


昨天的大部分时间我还在琢磨到底我还学不学西班牙语,但今天,一个大好机会又出现了在我面前。重入友人的怀抱,感觉真的挺不错。但现在我不再是只冲着Jorge Enrique Abello去了,我是为了说西语的人的那种亲切去的。他们给我的温馨感已经远远大于我对JEA的热情了。可以说,我已经从一个单纯的粉丝上升到爱那个文化,那个小圈子里的人了。哎,这几天的变卦真大。于是又书从第一位落了第二位,西友再次成为我的头号生活动力。



By xrspook @ 18:45:10 归类于: 烂日记




今天早上正要喝牛奶的时候发现“伊利250mL”砖头奶不同了,底部写着“combibloc康美包”,下面还有一个小小的“SIG”标志,于是我找遍了整个牛奶,都找不到亲切的“Tetra Brik”标志,显然,这个牛奶用的包装不是我们常见的“利乐砖”,至于这个“康美包”是什么,我一点都不知道,但我隐隐觉得它就是我寻找了好久的“CP”。“IP”在不久前我已经在超市的冰柜里找到了,如今,在厄运发生的第二天我发现了“CP”。早上本来说要上4节工程原理的,但由于种种原因,只上了2节,于是回来就马上找这个“康美包”,果然不出我所料,这就是我要找的“CP”,但SIG公司(也是瑞士公司,和“利乐砖”的公司一样,都是在瑞士,不过就市场而言,两个是全球最大的无菌纸包装竞争对手啦)的康美包在中国或者说在世界还不是十分有名,起码,在Google搜索的时候,它的官方网站不在搜索结果的前几位,而且官方网站的速度有代改进。“康美包”在中国的市场暂时还不大,也只有在苏州的一个厂而已(利乐可以说已经在中国扎根了,有3个厂,分别是佛山、昆山和北京[“英叔”上课时只说有佛山和北京两个,其实昆山比北京的还要老,北京的厂是最新的])。我个人觉得。“康美包”和“利乐砖”从左、右、俯视都没区别,最大的区别是两种纸包装的底部,“康美包”的我觉得相对难看,而经典的“利乐砖”则给我稳当的感觉。二者都是无菌纸包装,但所用的纸的组成不同,利乐有7层,而康美只有5层,我不是说康美不安全,只是说明问题而已,少一点又能保证安全的话更好,一个利乐一个康美250mL的牛奶放在一起就能分明感觉到重量的不同了(改天拿去实验室的天平称一下就更明白)。于是今天就上了Tetra, CP,IP的网站转悠了好久,才不怕英文,看到那些机械设备我就兴奋。




Emotion and Reality

By xrspook @ 18:34:29 归类于: English

When I need someone to tell me how to solve with problem about emotion and reality, this essay appeared. It's one of the most difficult article of that book, the difficult level is the top five. It's the first essay I have met in this level. I will chew and digest it seriously.

quote from: 《2006大学英语六级考试规范阅读160篇》 P254~255

Emotion and Reality

It is notorious that facts are compatible with opposite emotional comments, since the same fact will inspire entirely different feelings in different persons and at different times in the same person; and here is no rational deducible connection between any outer fact and the sentiments it may happen to provoke. They have their source in another sphere of existence altogether, in the animal and spiritual region of the subject's being.


Conceive yourself, if possibly, suddenly stripped of all the emotion with which your world now inspires you, and try to imagine it as it exist, purely by itself, without your favorable or unfavorable, hopeful or apprehensive comment. It will be almost impossible for you to realize such a condition of negativity and deadness. No one portion of the universe would then have importance beyond another; and the whole collection of its things and series of its events would be without significance, character, expression, or perspective.

Whatever of value, interest, or meaning our respective worlds may appear endowed with thus pure gifts of the spectator's mind. The passion of love is the most familiar and extreme example of this fact. If it comes, it comes; if it doesn't come, no process of reasoning can force it. Yet it transforms the values of the creature loved as utterly as the sunrise transforms Mont. Blanc from a corpse-like gray to a rosy enchantment; and it sets the whole world to a new tune for the lover and gives a new issue to his life. So with fear, with indignation, jealousy, ambition worship. If they are there, life changes. And whether they shall be there or not depends almost always upon non-logical, often organic conditions. And as the excited interest which there passions put into the world is our gift to the world, just so are the passions themselves gifts; gifts to us, from sources sometimes low and sometimes high; but almost always non-logical and beyond our control. Gifts, either of the flesh or of the spirit; and the spirit blows where it lists, and the world's materials lend their surface passively to all the gifts alike, as the stage-setting receives indifferently whatever alternating colored lights maybe shed upon it from the optical apparatus in the gallery.

Meanwhile the practically real world for each one of us, the effective world of the individual, is the compound world, the physical facts and emotional values in indistinguishable combination. Withdraw or pervert either factor of this complex resultant, and the kind of experience we call pathological ensues.


Bye Fan de Club

By xrspook @ 20:29:42 归类于: 烂日记

Nothing will be changed; the first snapshot means the website (Fan de Club) will be closed definitive from tomorrow (2006-11-01). The only thing you can see is the snapshot, all the website has been moved away except the forum, and in the 0:00 AM of 1 November, the only forum will out of touch the same. Undoubtedly, I feel very sad. This must be the most horrible Halloween for me till now.


Right now, I read the message of Martha and Marcela carefully, of course including others' replies. And maybe I know the reason why such things happened together in a short time. Suddenly, I knew the decision of Marcela was right and must be painful, so was Martha's. As a female, I could feel the desperate of Marcela between the lines; I understand she had done her best to maintain the bond of love but without use. She must be the loyal one in this marriage. Love is a thing of two. Once you lose, it's hard to retrieve again. You can keep back the body, however, not mental either. It's none of my business to know what had happen in other's family and I have no right to ask for the reason. Even so, as a loyal fan, I have paid a lot of time in it as well. Almost all of my time online is about it, you know, it's about 4 years! Could anybody tell me what I should do from now on when I surf on internet? It must be a long time to adjust to the new life.

I was doing experiment in front of clean beanth, singing and nothing in my brain just as yesterday when I was rope skipping. This afternoon, I shared my bad feeling of my partner of Mangrove Team. I couldn't help to talking a lot. In her eyes, some days ago, she thought I was strong, now, she might know in some degree I was as effeminacy as other girls especially in emotional, which is about feeling. I could just tell black from white, in my emotional dictionary there's a word called "gray". I told her all the things about Fan de Club and JEA which was my admirer a few days ago. I asked her who's wrong, the man or the woman? In my opinion, I couldn't accept the idea that they divorce because they had found better partners of them. She told me, there's no need to tell apart the right one from the other, who is the betrayer and who is not. She said my admirer had fallen in love with others then couldn't get rid of, and it's impossible to separate the new lovers. So, they divorced, using the most directly way to end the painful relation, it's good for both. Yes, she's right, I think I always struggle with is the problem of betrayer, and I have knew the "loving law" as well. I just could not connect this situation and that definition together. She's definitive right, because I'm the one in the periphery of the game, I could not use my head soberly, and she is far from the game, then, she still has cool head.

Time heals everything. It's easy said than done. Everybody says all good things must come to an end, just takes it easy. In my part, that's very very difficult to put down such feeling, because I am a human being. I could not lie to my heart.

I think this song fit me well now: http://distritos.telepolis.com/bettylafea/lib/Musica/07_-_Como_se_cura_una_herida_-__Jaci_Velasquez.mp3

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