

By xrspook @ 19:00:27 归类于: 烂日记


昨天晚上突然有个同学发短信过来问我有没有兴趣参加胡**老师的课题,我突然恍然大悟,原来我是挑战杯创新组的,我们需要做科学实验,现在也差不多时候了。我们一点都不知道那个老师是是谁,于是就到学院的老师里找他,他就排在http://xy.scau.edu.cn/spxy/subject/cadreman.htm这个页面学院骨干的第一!哇!晕倒!然后再想了想自己只是是多么的微小,多么的微不足道的一个学院04级的成员。好像这个机会离我们好远好远~~~~~~~ 但我还是对搭档说,无论如何我们应该争取一下,无论结果是怎样。于是昨晚我就发了邮件给那个老师,虽然到现在为止,那个老师还是没有回复我们。但我们已经主动出击了,到底出击成功不成功那就不是我能预测的了。






Blow Me Away

By xrspook @ 17:17:48 归类于: 烂日记

How big the wind now! And what a high temperature this afternoon! I want to do nothing, I don’t know how to write and what can I speak out. There’s nothing in my head. I know this month I have plenty of projects to finish, while now, what should I do?

I should listen to more and more English, and do a large number of reading comprehensions, of course you can’t leave the endless words which are in the CET-4 order we should know, yet what about my Food Chemistry paper, and the experiment reports? After NCRE, I have much more problems to solve one by one. The training class of ISO9001& HACCP and the English competition are coming. Am I really a person after all. Is this the meaningful life of a sophomore? I don’t think so. What about my own time? I’m not a free person, but a robot, instead. Why I should work hard then get one after another certificate? As everybody known, the purpose we get certificate just similar to the reason that we work for money. A dream of better life, and a more comfortable days in future make me be in trouble hence we did so much painful thing now. You don’t know why you sit here in the dorm to write down so much, however, beyond this, what you could do?

Blow me away please. Please clean my head and rebuild my mind, Mother Nature. We should have our own goal and work for it, nevertheless, now I have just lost my compass to continue my navigation. Blow me away, from the trouble to the peaceful place. I don’t care how hard the life will be, yet please give me the reason that why I was in such situation.

Writing meaningless essay was not my own style, yet please forgive me, I don’t know what to say just now really. Blow away, please blows away my grey mind.


Without Electricity, We have Another Sky

By xrspook @ 19:48:34 归类于: 烂日记

This week I should continue my essay in English again. Today the electricity of here was cut from 8:30 AM to 18:30 PM, maybe that’s because of the wires should be checked from now and then, hence we should be in another situation — without electricity.

In the dormitory, we had no electricity and tap water, because without electricity, the water couldn’t be pump from the low place to the fifth floor. The canteen was in trouble, too! Thought they could use machine to generate electricity to keep the necessary activity, yet as you know, they wouldn’t lose their money to give you lighter. So the canteen was in dark, you couldn’t see very clear want food you could choose, and even though sat down to have your meal, in fact, what you were eating you still not so sure. Just put it into your mouth chewed it and swallowed into your stomach and that’s all. The Food Chemistry Experiment class was affected as well. Without computer and projection, our teacher seemed have no idea, and even though wanted to cancel the classes and selected another time to continue, of course, such kinds of suggestion was been rejected. The most important thing was that there’s another teacher in our classroom that was planned to evaluate his class, consequently he had to do a good job, no matter what happened! In my opinion, he was good today, at least better than usual when he could use computer. I personally think that a teacher should know how to teach even though in bad situation, they’re not the robot of computer! With chalk in hand, they should play a good show on the platform.

After supper in about 4:30 PM, we were on the way to dormitory, and found most of our female classmates were playing different P.E. in the ground. Some of them were playing tennis, and some were playing badmintons, some were play volleyball and the others were playing shuttlecock. We joined them at once. At first, I played tennis, what a long time I had put down the bat! And then I played badminton, I’m sure that I’m still a greener at this domain, however, I had to be a teacher, because someone were more green than me. At last I turned to play shuttlecock. That’s a game could join a lot of people…

With electricity, we would go back to our room and turn on the computer as quickly as we can. We really lose a lot of time in them. We really miss a lot of chances to sweat from head to toe. What life will be without sports! Another sky is open to us all the time; nevertheless we miss it again and again.

Now, I realize another theory, without electricity, without computer, we still have another sky!!!



By xrspook @ 20:46:46 归类于: 烂日记









By xrspook @ 23:15:23 归类于: 烂日记

2006-04-01,April Fool’s Day的全国计算机二级考试,这算不算是我这辈子过得最“愚”的一个愚人节呢。虽然说不上这辈子,但起码就我的经历的来说,这算是最愚的。很多人现在很轻松高兴,但我身边更多更多的人有的只是痛苦。不想在别人痛苦的时候说些快乐的经历,别人都不高兴自己也高兴不起来。

今天花掉了一天的时间在正校。首先是早上9:00 – 11:00的笔试。在那2个小时里我经历了好多大起大落,铅笔借给别人了,连黑色的水笔也借给别人了,一个是我左边的男生,一个是我右边的男生。这个考试对我来说很重要,起码我花费了超过1个月的时间去准备,比期末考C语言准备长多了,现在的xrspook也比当年强了,效率提高了,但每天就是在那些东西中转来转去,每个晚上都是如此。放下了英语,放下了论文,就管这么一个C语言。不可思议地把一本高等教育出版社出版的C语言教程完完全全地搞定了。就是一本草稿本,在题目旁边乱写乱画。只要哪个课觉得困了,不想听了,就拿出来“充电”,但这种事情通常只会发生在食品化学综合实验理论课老师在说食品化学已经说过的理论的时候。当别人在QQ的时候,当别人在看电视的时候,当别人在讲电话的时候……我知道自己该干什么。为奋斗的人是自己!!

我不是个懂投机取巧的人,我的一时懒惰都通常会变成恐怖的结局,因为我的运气臭死了。所以,唯一可以相信的人是自己,自己把东西都记入脑袋就什么也不怕。很早以前我就曾经说过如果我是个圣斗士的话我依靠的不是圣衣的保护,我选择的是像紫龙一样脱掉圣衣,靠自己的力量去拼搏。 只有脱掉圣衣我的小宇宙才能发挥到最大极限。



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