

By xrspook @ 16:17:59 归类于: 烂日记


这次买的又是North Pole 北极狐的拍子。以前的网拍也是同一个牌子。我看来要和它结下不解之缘了。这次我有意把拍子买成“橙色”和我以前的网球拍配成一套,以前的也是橙色的,我并不介意用那么鲜艳的颜色,我觉得那样回使我更活跃。

拍子的型号是Aerd Power 6021,以前网拍的型号是np305,不知道为什么,两个拍子在那个公司的网站都找不到对口的产品,接近的就有完全一样的就没有,真够奇怪的。




的确我不是那个水平的,超过100的我自己也不卖账。老师在第一堂课的时候也展示了好几个球拍,一律的都是North Pole的,价格在135~220,我想都没有想,虽然她说那已经是超级的实惠了,因为那些100多的拍子原价是200多,可以说已经折了好多了,但我还是考虑也没有考虑。我没有那么高的……


昨天晚上,室友的DELL电脑送来了,于是就忙了好个晚上。电脑大概晚上9点多,我们就忙到了几乎2:00AM,才把该做的做完。那可是DELL的原装机,但原来那个东西比普通的机子还要麻烦。可恶的DELL没有送Windows XP系统,只送了个免费的Dos,还有几张不知干什么的光盘。






By xrspook @ 18:46:00 归类于: 烂日记











By xrspook @ 19:05:46 归类于: 烂日记

Last night, one classmate came to my room and talked for a whole night. I didn’t know why she did that, because she was not so friendly with us. However, last night, it seemed that she couldn’t help stopping herself talkiing a lot.

I didn’t know how to say no, and i had no reason to say no. I wanted to reject, but why should i do that? Other members of my room enjoyed her "topic", but… I couldn’t stop myself from listening to her. You see, when others were talking, it’s no polite that you pretent to hear nothing and did your own thing. As a result, I couldn’t focus my mind on homework, What’s wrong? I want to be friendly with anybody that I can’t refuse such easy thign. She comes automatically, it’s a good chance to make a good relationship, nevertheless I think last night was not the best time.

Before that, I had planned to finish all my maths homework and review the physical chemistry and biochemistry. Yet, such suddently thing changed me, as well as the plan couldn’t carry out any more. And I don’t know when I can find another suitable tiem to continue. You know, even so, I can’t complain everything, because that’s my life. You won’t know what will be the next until it has been carried out.

After a long time "listening", I tried to focus on my homework, but it’s too late, it didn’t work. I wanted to finish it but at that situation all your energy had gone, your body just wanted to sleep.

When I went to bed, my roommate started to chat with me. We were exciting talking about the food. And found how differences betwenn ouir mothers and the food of them. She couildn’t believe my mother’s food, just as I couldn’t believe her mother’s. She felt a little sympathize at me that I have to tolerant such kinds of food and life. As the child of my mother, what can I do when I have such mother.

So this moring, sleeping is my state…



By xrspook @ 18:57:21 归类于: 烂日记


EcoModa 第二十六集


其实这个EcoModa 第二十六集昨天早上已经完成了,只不过因为昨天的日记太专注于某样东西所以完全忽略了。









One True Thing, Deeply Touching Movie

By xrspook @ 11:13:34 归类于: 想当年的作业

The movie One True Thing seemed a little difficult for us to understand; however, when you looked back, you would find you touched by something in fact. The pure love, exterior from the optimistic mother, and interior from the daughter who seemed from head to toe not like to take care of her cancer-stricken mother at the beginning.

At the end, the daughter Kate Gulden changed bit by bit, no matter you had realized or not, but the father George Gulden seemed stand still who looked his teaching was important than everything. This movie did not have a good ending. After watching it, I felt something was in my stomach, I did not know how to describe it.

At the very beginning, I thought Kate was not a good daughter, at least in the eyes of a traditional Chinese, I felt she not filial. In my opinion, my mother is important than anything, no matter what my future will be! I even felt she did not have a good heart even to her parents. So her father George said one sentence which was chosen in some website as quote that is "Your mother needs you, Ellen! Jesus Christ, you got a Harvard education, but where is your heart? “At that time, I swore I couldn’t be that kinds of person all my life. As children of family, we have responsibility to take of our parents; no matter how hard will be, no matter how much we must pay out. Although at some points I am a very open person, at this, I am a very traditional one. I feel the load on my shoulder all the time. Still remember the first meal made by Kate, horrible! That is not a meal but rubbish, nobody could stand it. I do not know why at that moment her mother did not scold at her. As a girl, how could she do such losing face thing in front of the Women's Group? Nevertheless, as you know, maybe that is the grandness of her mother.

Her mother Ellen is an optimistic person. She kept happy everyday, and did her best to make other happy too. Just as the heroine of Graceful Hands, she devoted herself to the society and her family, never asked for return. Sometimes I felt sympathize at her, her daughter did not pay attention at her, so was her husband, maybe just the Women's Group knew her value. Why can her family members do that! I cannot understand, but maybe that is the culture differences between Eastern and Westerns countries, especially between China and America. In China, a good heart is important than anything, however, in America self-value is the most important thing. Nobody will pay attention at you without getting her own benefit. I cannot stand it! Why can they be so cold! When Ellen told Kate "the story of life", I deeply moved.

Ellen said (more or less, I just can remember the summary) even though you hated your husband, you think you cannot tolerant him any more, and you tell yourself you will leave tomorrow. Nevertheless, the next morning, when you wake up, smelling the smell of coffee, and hearing the happy voice of children. Then you realize that even you cannot tolerant, yet you must know that is your life. Moreover, in my opinion that she had the same idea as the traditional Chinese women which they must endure everything because they are mother. They cannot be selfish. Even though having their tough life with their husband, they prefer tolerant.

I think the clue of this movie is the change of feeling. Mother changed from an optimistic person to whiny person because she had to lean on somebody to continue her life. On contrast, her daughter changed her mind from annoying take care her mother to learning to tolerant the tough life. From this changing, we can see the simple life of all the people, the older goes away after teaching the important lesson to the younger, and the younger learn to adapt their life bit by bit.

We are the younger; we should listen to the older. Though they are not right all the time, yet we cannot miss the chance before they can talk to us and tell us the story of their experience. No matter what, listening carefully and paying more attention to them, you must have some benefit. They need us to listen.

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