

By xrspook @ 22:12:23 归类于: 烂日记
















Miracle Again

By xrspook @ 19:55:29 归类于: 烂日记

Thank goodness, the presentation was over. The huge pressure moved away at once. Since I got up, I didn’t know where I was. I repeated my words which I would say in presentation again and again unconsiously. I thought I was crazy,  I was conttrolled by the evil.

The computer experiment was with a little problem. First, the floopy I had used  in the classroom seem with something. Every time I opened it, the computer was holding. The mouse was obsiouse waiting, however, after a long time, no result, at last, the screen just showed the blue background but with no normal icons. That means it’s dead. the only thing I could do it’s  turn it off and then turn it on again. I had tried twice, the situation was the same. And I had tried it out on other computer, nothing was different. So at last, I forgave, my another floopy was dead here again. I don’t know whether it’s because the virus in the computer in classrroom 602 or just the original physic problem itself, the result is, it can’t be used anymore.

The operation of the homework were so many that I couldn’t finish in two classes, though I had stopped typing my diaries. I  must finish them in next classes, what a shame!

Now, the miracle topic begin:

I made a miracle again. I felt all the people in the classroom were move by me, I touched their hearts. No one was happy, after seeing my show, my expectatin was made them to think deeply, or even had tears in their eyes, and I think, I got it. The only problem was the light environment in that room, too bright that my background photo couldn’t show perfectly as my hope. The other one whogave presentation today couln’t compared with me, maybe after mine, he had given up before show time. The teacher didn’t say too much about my show, she made three words comment "Wonderful, Excellent and Marvelous". She asked all the students take me as example, and I had the quality to have a speech in a real oral speech competition.

Am I making a miracle again? Another unbreakable presentation? I wonder, but now, I’m really flying…


Nothing to Worry About

By xrspook @ 19:16:02 归类于: 烂日记

Now, I have proved a principle that when a person is in horrible, he/she feels no afraid. The frighten of tomorrow’s presentation came around for a lot of day. Every day, my brain with nothing except the fear, the fear that I would  fail or be not good enough. The first time was so smooth made me frighten. If I was a green hand, I will have nothing to worry about. No matter fail or success, but now, my hope is higher than that, I must perfort better than my first try and better than others. I need this golden chance to prove I was the best, and the teacher choose me is right. 

Because of my face and the teacher’s face, I have to put all the pressure on my shoulder. Even in sometimes, I lost myself. The biggest enemy of anybody is himself/herself. How I can overcome the me in the past? She was so gaint and seemed unbreakable. The perfort in the earler term made myself be afraid myself.

After a long time mental struggle, I get another thing. Someone has said "A person can’t step into the same river twice." Myself is myself, the past’s and now’s are different. Every great result jsut meant a great job I had done in that time. The blank new life si out there. The life si waiting for me to create miracle again. The future miracle and the miracle had been done are not the same, and couldn’t be compared as well.

My faith that I must hold now is do my best and than nothing to worry about. New hope always comes to the person who have well prepare, just like I’m now.

I have done so much prepare, and I have standed by for such a long time, why I can’t get the golden fruit!

The thing I have to do now is with more confidents, believe the sunshine will come to me again, smile to life, and everything will be OK, there’s nothing is worth me to worrying.

"To go on a journey is often full of hardships, but so long as one lives he proceeds on his life’s journey."


No Moon

By xrspook @ 19:04:35 归类于: 烂日记

Generally speaking, the situation today was not so bad. At least, the chemical classes were OK. It’s the third smooth week of it.

When I was a child, I thought chemistry was a very mysterious and funny thing, added something together would make a unthinkable result, maybe the color changed or had a little explosion. Now day, I found chemistry is a nightmare to me, very time i must be careful or I will be in danger. And the time I got along with chemistry was hard, and the result always weren’t good, such as the high school enter examination and the NMTE. Because of my little dream, I choose it, but now, I really feel conflict to it. however, the knot between us can’t open again. If I have another chance, maybe I will forgive it and take phsyic as my partner. That’s life, can’t be changed, it’s the fact, can’t be changed, just can be creative.

The English classes were talking about "marriage", a very sensiable topic. Why the teacher can choose such topic? Because it’s th unit of our New Horizen College English. I double, why the text book will talk about such thing.

The first class was discussion time. She asked a lot of questions, she wanted to let us talk freely and the atmosphere could be lively, however, all of us just wanted to keep silentce and wasted two classes. I wanted to escape too, because I hadn’t prepared any of them, I kept my eyes away from the teacher. I knew she also realized my action, so she never asked me to answer a question in the class. If a person want to say something, he/she will directly eyes on others with confident, and the person dosen’t prepare well won’t watch anybody, and this time, I’m the second one.

I’m really not in moon that classes. The English letter went though, but I got nothing, I couldn’t catch even one of them. I don’t know what have happened? It’s the presentation really impact me so much? Am I really such weak person. Is it stick in my throat?

Or I just take it too much to my heart? No matter what, the result is I have no moon.


Vamos, Vamos

By xrspook @ 19:03:21 归类于: 烂日记

Because of the endless dream online, I had to get up at 5:45AM, and left home before 6:00AM. The sun still had behind the houses in city, the people in the street were extremly less. For a long time, I didn’t have such experience, since I left high school, that day has left me without saying goodbye. However, this feeling came to me again, a person, no feeling, vamos, vamos, the target was bus-stop and the school was far away.

"Looking at the crowded street, listening to my own heart beat…" I really want to be at that surroundings, just watch many people ups and downs, pay attention to their facial expession and their actions, happy and angry, boring and excited, however, I don’t have such time and such environment to do such thing. Every day, I must be the busy one of them. Have no won thought, finish my task, finish all the homework is the only thing in my mind.

The sky was dark, and it’s raining I really want to sleep in my bed and then surf online as I wish. Read the nwes of JEA and the world, of course, including my own blog- Mi Cielo, and my dream of website building. I was the opposite person when I am online and in real world. The part of me when online, I am so upward, and active but in fact I have little words with other an dpassive. Who knows how to change this funny situation? If two fo me can combite together, what a great!

At last, after with 226 for half an hour, I arrived at Wu Shan Apartment at 7:20AM. I got it, I wasn’t late. The physic experiment was smooth as the first time, and even be smoother than the first one. Just made some data, and then take a mark, that’s all. It’s much easier than the chemical one, so sometimes, physic is the easiest thing in the world, you don’t understand any principe of it, however, you can do it our without a hitch.

Too tired of me, so I fell asleep in the noon, and still be too tired when having physic classes in the afternnon, so I don’t know what I have heard or learnt.

I really want to escape from such life!!!

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