
Creative & True

By xrspook @ 23:09:53 归类于: 烂日记

The Food Festival my college is coming. My class has gotten two store of its "Ten Thousand People Square". And i hve attended the 24 peopole one.

My mission(my roommates’ mission) is thinking about the introduction  part of its idea project. In detail is the brief fo the food we will sell and the brief idea of ll the management. 

Two of them are brief. It’s so difficult for us, as we even don’t know what’s brief idea.It’sa very professional word "经营构想". We are just the students of Food Science Engineering, I have no interest in economic. The words can’t be found in my dictionary, and what we can get from it? It’s the base idea of ll the project, it maybe include the money we expect to spend and how much benefit we will get, as well as the contrlo way that we do to our big team, of course, it must contain the tactics to sell the food… How we can think them out in a day or two??? The mission is sepearted into 8 parts of our 24, we don’t know the brief of all parts. It’s just like a impossible finished mission to us.

The words we use must be attrative and real. We had to put some creative idea in it, but if with too much creative is must seem we are boasting. And think about it, this is our little shop’s running project. The words we use must be a little professional at the same time, and the problem si we aren’t professor at all. We must find the banlance fo creative and true. Of course, we should boast, about how we can make it seem true to other? That’s the skill. Now I don’t know whether we are playing  in a Food Festival Drama or not. We don’t know everything, but we must let us understand or pretent we had known very well. 

It’s not a dream. the handing day is coming, the Festival Square will appear the Sunday the next. We learn the new things all the time, as well as this one.

If I could have a sleep and have a good idea suddently,what a great!!!!

And the truth is the Fortune gods won’t come to the person who don’t have well preparation.


Extremely Bad Luck

By xrspook @ 22:52:02 归类于: 烂日记

In a chemical experiment class, all the misfortune things came to me impersonally.

The terrible story came out with the horrible rain. As the sky became black increasingly, my bad luck also step by step. At first, the head fo my plastics and glass jioner of alkaline burette dropped down. At that time, I thought it’s just by chance. However, as time goes by, the same thing happened again and again. And at last, the head even drop into the taper flask. So bad luck, I counldn’t care any of experiment’s result. The only thing I could do was pouring them out to glass beaker,a nd picked it up, and poured the fluid back to taper flask, and continue my expeiment.

That’s heard terrible for anyone. But the marelous thing was coming behind it. Carefullessness, I dropped the plastics burette into the small mouth vase. Too bad luck! After a great work, I picked it up from the alkaline fluid.

At the moment I made so many mistakes, the weather was also not so good. All the sky was in black, and then crazy rain punched all the things heavily. The light in our classroom were just like adjust the situation outside. They sparked, so I couldn’t see the color of my fluid, as a result, I changed the place, and then, the horrible things happened to me. All the things were coming in a short time. The problems came out, and then solved quickly. Though the weather was so superb that time, yet I had no time to pay attention to it.

When all the things were ending, I thought I was the most unfortunataly person in the world!!! Consequently, I wanted to go to die, as no friends were beyond me at my worest moment.

However, the afternoon came. All the things changed completely. The sun came out as my wish yesterday, wherea, after a very difficult moment. My feeling is better as the good weather, meanwhile, the bad luck was end, the life is bright to me again.

Now, I just can say a word to myself:


Season in the Sun

By xrspook @ 22:29:31 归类于: 烂日记

The day I don’t have sun beyond me, so I eager sunshine. At this time, I found an old song of WestlifeSeason in the Sun. Tomorrow, if the sun is shining, what a great! "Over sea and coast to coast and find the place I love the most where the fields are green to see you once again, my love " The song I have been very familiar with, also give me a good dream. 

The songs of Westlife, most of them are sung the second time. But most of time, I found the feeling of them are better then the original ones. Such as "Uptown Girl", "Angle".

We had joy, we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the hill that we climbed
Were just seasons out of time
We had joy, we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song
Like the season have all gone

It made me imagine the day under the sun. "I have a dream, across the sea……" I also have a dream that smilling int he sunshine. The sky is blue the sun is shining. I love that sight. So I put this song "Season in the Sun" in my blog as a background music. The resource of the song is very good, you just need 1second to download its .mp3(about 3.9MB). The speed allow me to put them in my background music.

Yesterday, I have downloaded the video that Eduardo saved the fake Anita, and did assessment and airway to her. If I haven’t learnt the half professional action from my Red Cross training, maybe, Eduardo(JEA) is doing a good job, yet in fact, so many mistakes he had made, such as he never opened the road of Anita‘s breath, and he began mouth to mouth airway, and then the movement of his assessment was completely wrong. The place of he pressed was wrong, and his elbow was bent, so it’s wrong too. So poor it is, I’m very disappointed. The only good point of 108 capítulo is JEA‘s swimming. He’s really good at diving and swimming, there’s no double of it.

Hope I have "Season in the Sun".



By xrspook @ 21:13:16 归类于: 烂日记





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我的天[GO] 1 2.7%
母亲的爱,使我感到快乐 作文[GO] 1 2.7%
C语言 算法[GO] 1 2.7%
listening problems[GO] 1 2.7%
丑女贝蒂 bt下载[GO] 1 2.7%
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小毛驴与我 希梅内斯[GO] 1 2.7%
C语言 符号[GO] 1 2.7%
隐秘的激情[GO] 1 2.7%
an unforgetable experience[GO] 1 2.7%
c语言的算法 [GO] 1 2.7%
广州西关文化[GO] 1 2.7%
教电脑 english[GO] 1 2.7%
2005澳网主题曲[GO] 1 2.7%
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c语言 位运算[GO] 1 2.7%
广州的历史文化[GO] 1 2.7%
美德在我家 作文[GO] 1 2.7%

真的吓死人,其中的“药厂实习日记、学习西班牙语的理由、母亲的爱,使我感到快乐 作文、作文 错过、an unforgetable experience、美德在我家 作文”等等很大程度上一眼就看出是同学们不想做作业,而直接想从网上抄功课的行为。特别是搜索关键词有“作文”的,这样做,太过分了吧!!!曾经见过更过分的,就是找“槐花米提取实验报告”,那个试验刚刚上个学期的基础化学试验做过,足足作了3次,一次2个多小时,实验报告起码有5页。因为我的日记里提过这件事,所以他/她利用搜索引擎搜到我这里来了。本来我也打算过如果实验报告发下来以后把它们都放到网上来,看来还是不要的好,以免方便了懒人,害了他们的一生。









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本人就从来不用百度,要不就www.google.com要不就www.yisou.com, 无奈的时候就用http://search.msn.com/,都是为了外网的信息。当然啦,我搜的东西有多少是中国的?现在看到这样的统计信息,我是永远也不会再用百度的了!!!!!!!




By xrspook @ 20:08:00 归类于: 论尽

在熟悉的歌曲之中开始今天的话题。多么经典的歌曲。(请首先stop右边的自动播放音乐,然后开始我们的Forrest Gump


Forrest Gump(阿甘)多么熟悉的名字。不同于鲁迅先生下的阿Q,阿甘虽然是个在智商测试上的低能儿,但他的善良,他的特殊技能,简直就是一个神。没有了其他人有的劣根性,虽然低能,但不是白痴。看完《阿甘正传》(人民文学出版社,中译本),我简直就觉得他是一个英雄,一个我们该学习的榜样。







书中,我怎么也找不到那句电影里经典的话“Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you're gonna get.”(生活就像一合巧克力:你永远不知道你会得到什么。)同时,在书中,阿甘的母亲是一个我认为老是哭哭啼啼的人,而且最后也没有说道她的死去。同时阿甘也没有什么跑步发疯的情况,他的跑步只出现在他打美式足球的时候。还有电影中依我的记忆并没有多说阿甘吹口琴的天赋。还有最终的养虾,是阿甘和他的猿猴朋友公苏一起干起的,并不是和他的战友丹。最后的结局也不一样。珍妮并没有把小阿甘给阿甘然后死去,反而珍妮和别人结了婚,然后她和她的丈夫抚养小阿甘。阿甘到


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