

By xrspook @ 23:14:00 归类于: 烂日记

今天是亲戚的受楼日,于是被早早拉起来去看大屋。别人的大屋,一直我都觉得自己不知道是什么,一直跟啊跟,然后就当一个隐形人,我一直保持沉默,他们也当我透明,我似乎没有了语言功能。没有人向我提起话题,我也不知道从哪里加口,跟他们说我的生活郁闷,说我不顾一切努力完成的blog?还是跟他们说Anita, no te rajes的剧情怎么发展?还是说那个物理学教程上课怎么快得像火箭?都不行,对于他们的近况,我可以说是几乎一无所知,对于他们该如何设计大屋(大屋还是毛坯房),我没有更多的见解。聆听是最好的尊重和学习,真的吗?聆听,一直沉默地聆听,其实也好痛苦。不是没有comment,是不知道在哪里加入我的comment。

房子好大好大,是在“丽江花园”的“Left Bank”(左岸),因为所买的房子是在丽江花园的左边的一个地块,一个大小区里面的小部分,在河的左边,所以称为左岸。屋子在15楼,有电梯,是复式的,可想而知大小,有200多平方。从任何房间都能看到江景(除了工人房,他们也不打算把那住人,将变成衣帽间)。面朝东南,看到三条水道交汇,看到4条跨江桥。总之就是用两个字形容就对了“豪宅”。从装修到购置家具电器都是要求最好的,几乎单价底线就是以万为单位。突然让我有了一个想法,难道钱挣回来就是为了这样子花掉?





前几天起床刷牙的时候突然想到,不想再为danzhuBetty la Fea网站更新了。我更新有什么意义?没人看,没人关心,我图什么啊!就是为了几个星期就要深夜2、3点睡觉?还是为了常常为它牵肠挂肚?从来就没有人强迫我一定要每个月都去更新,是我自己一向把它当成我自己的例行公事,是自己的职责。开始的时候为的是服务大家,无私是我唯一的宗旨。但如今,好像没人看了,我还更新什么?没有更新之前,知道的是我自己,更新以后知道的也是我自己,我无聊啊!但现在想深一层,既然我更新是无私,我什么要在意别人的感受呢?他们看不看有什么关系。danzhuBetty blog在一定程度上也是我成长的标志,它比我的天要来得早,也是我成熟的标志。为了别人,我好像已经没有更新的动力了,但为了自己,看来我还是要坚持下去。我不想blog的命运就此结束,我不甘心。于是我现在好矛盾。

今天拿着《数码时代2002-11》研究了一天的“Dreamweaver MX帮你打造折叠菜单”,但刚才真的用Dreamweaver MX试验过了,不成功,不知到哪一步就无法进行了,因为根本就再也无法跟随命令下去了。理论实际毕竟还有距离啊!是时候用一用我的韧劲了。

明天吧,明天我会努力的!!!那些亲戚的评论我打赌他们一定不会来看,于是我就有话说话了!我天地,我胡来!我是版主我怕谁!!!!!!!!!!!Blogbus终于增添了表情符号,太好了!!!!!!!!!!!!!不过其论坛还是无法登入,郁闷~~~~~~ 刚才发现更郁闷的就是表情符号是可以插入,但进入页面一看就变成了X,what’s wrong????只好又全部删掉……


Being Honest (publish on weekend)

By xrspook @ 0:48:38 归类于: 想当年的作业

A cowherd cheated people three times by telling them a wolf had come, and at the fourth, a bad result came to him. This story we are familiar with very much. And it also bring the topic of this passage- honest.

"A person can't be a person if he isn't honest." How a life wil be if a person tell lies all his life? He must be with a fake mask all the time. Life is life, it's not performing on a theater, he's not a actor, he don't need to cover his real part. A life without his true feeling, what fun will come to him?

On the other hand, people can easily accept the person who are honest, instead of liers. People cna accept the weak point but the ones cheated them. If you know a person have told lies to you, what you will think about him? Will he cheat me again?

As we known, the world are full of cheating, though everyone knows others don't like be cheated. For many reasons, they also do the ugly things. If our life can be pure just like the sentence below, what a great! "Life is like a field of newly fallen snow. Where I choose to walk every step will show."

Cheating are eating our life, they come to us step by step while we didn't notice. A lot of students cheated their teachers, they just copied the homework from internet. Maybe they will be success. I personally think, one person learns knowledge is his own profit, he can cheat the teacher, but he can't cheat himself. Others think he knows something very well, but in fact, what he knows, himself knows very well.

This week, the philosophy class brought up a topic "If you can success to do a thing which is good to you but bad for others, however, no one will know, will you do it?" In my opinion, of course not!!! Everybody has her own life principle. The action can escape from laws, but can't run away from my own morality. Honest is the most important thing to me, and doing that is not honest to my conscience. The biggest enemy of everyone is himself, including me.

In a word, use a pure good heart to treat others, being honest, our life will be better, maybe the sky will become more blue:)



By xrspook @ 23:41:19 归类于: 烂日记








Serve the ball (Ⅱ)

By xrspook @ 0:30:01 归类于: 烂日记

Thank goodness, the weather is still OK. I had my tennis classes again. As I have said, I must be eager to rain to my roommates and desire sunshine by heart. It's very conflict, therefore, if I want to keep my friendship, I have to do that again and again. I'm really very afraid that if one day I tell them the truth, what they will do to me or what I will be. So I always prevent myself to think about that unwilling thought.

The practice we had today was also serve the ball and kick the ball from here to there by two person.

If you say you can pat a good ball is very hard, that you can pat a ball and your partner can catch it cna be an impossible thing. In my opinion, my actions have been very quick, though my partner's balls are also very good, the right place, the right power, I still can't pat them back. The return of my balls have two result, stop by the net or too far to catch again. I have do my best, no matter how high the coming balls are or how far they had gone. Unforturnately, the lucky was never by my side, fail, fail, fail… At that time, I really hoped the teacher came and gave me some scold. I need them, yet I waitted two classes, they hadn't arrived. I needed to know what's wrong with me, however, it's a normal tennis classes had 40 learner. If I'm not the worst or the best, nobody will pay attention to me.

Serve the ball is also a great weak point to me. It will stop by the net or fall at the bottom line. At two classes, I didn't overcome it. But after that, there's a little first light to me. Under my friend's special training, I can success in 50%.50% balls are serve in the right place, no matter they can be pat back or not, at least, they are right.

Throw the ball , bent the knee and then have a little patient, at last use a normal power to kick it. That's all the thing I can do, and the last result was decided by the lord.

Didn't use Español for a long time, let´s encourage myself : ¡¡xrspook, no te rajes!!


Foggy Day

By xrspook @ 0:09:00 归类于: 烂日记

Believe or not, I have finished half of my daily book, it’s great!!! Have kept on donging this over half a year. The daily book is 1.5 centimetre, from 2004-11-07to now, I have written 0.75 centimetre. What a great job!!! Why I can bring out so much topic? My life seem really colourful from it. No matter they are good writting or not, they are valueable, it will become my unforgettable history in future. Maybe the grandchildren find grandmother’s stupid in it, or perhaps they even can find some bright minds from it. I don’t know whether it will happen, just let time to prove.

Spring, maybe it’s good for plants, but me.The rains always fall, and the bad thing is it dosen’t very large, but rains all the time. Secondly, the fog is awful too. All the sight become obscure and jsut like cover with a light white clothers. Unfortunately, the horrible of fog I haven’t talk about. The clothes are never dry again. Today you feel it, it’s wet; and tomorrow, it’s still wet, after a lot of day, it’s dry in the end, but at that time, you can’t tell apart which clothes you have hung for a few days, because there’re too many to count in balcony, and they are all smally.

When I was a child, everybody tell me the benenfit of spring. Do they really didn’t feel the weak point of it? Or they just give me a good dream, so they tell the white lie. I personally think, spring si a bad thing, I don’t like it. In Guangzhou, I can’t find a new atomsphere from it, the glass, the trees and everything are just the same, and even worse. Because some trees are falling in this season. All the things are in fog. It’s very hard for me to see the sunshine here. What new hope it bring to us? I feel nothing except disgusting.

In such weather, my feeling is not so good, in day time I want to go to sleep. In classes, I can’t focus myself in the teacher saying. Even at night, I can’t fall asleep very well. I know it’s not all the fault of weather. My heart is the spring of the ugly phenomenon. Compaint can do nothing, it’s even waste of my life, but is any laws fobbid us scold the weather?

I know at the place of the other side of the Pacific Ocean, some Americans also have to endure the same awful weather as us. Thinking about it can make me feel better.

At least, we are not the only country that has to face fog.

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