
Embarrassing with Rain

By xrspook @ 18:13:00 归类于: 烂日记

I hate raining day, every where are wet, and the rain bring the wind, the wind and the rain make me feel a little cold, at this situation, the people will get sick very easily. It makes every things dripping wet, as well as my shoes are another victim, of course, it also make in water from haead to toe, the feeling in that time is horrible.

I don’t like compel to be wet in raining day, instead, I prefer sunshine, though in harmful sun I also will be wet every parts of my body, yet I still like the way wet from inside. There’s no problem that I make myself wet, but it’s a great trouble that make wet by other things or person.

Just this morning, when I let home, I found I couildn’t find out my sandals everywhere. I had searched very carefully, however, the time was limited, I had to go, fortunately, the drain stopped. So I wore my shoes and left at once. At that time, I rally felt lucky.

However, the real situation is far from that. At noon, the rain started again, and even larger than the morning one. I had to go to have my classes! With what I could go there??? With no choice, I prefered slippers. We can’t to to classroom wiht slippers, I know, but if I wear a pair of sport shoes, it must be wet no matter outside or inside. It’s the first time, I broke the laws. Having learnt it for such a long time, however, in this situation, I ate my words. I didn’t really mean to, but is anyone able to tell me the solution way?

As the rain is going outside, another rain is also conituning in my heart. I found I was the alone one in my room. Because of my isolate action? Because I always come back herer at weekend? Because I pay too less attention to them but just my own thing? Because I don’t care their feeling? Because I am a hero on my blog but a defeated on in real life, especially carry out the relationship?…… There’s no because any more. All the because are half right and the other wrong.

I don’t know what happen, but it’s really raining, I hate it!



By xrspook @ 17:52:00 归类于: 烂日记


在混沌之后中测温度,还不到36℃,以为自己放的方法有问题,但试过两三次仍是如此,我并不觉得冷,就是有点混沌,也不是飘飘欲仙,脚步浮浮,就是混沌,就是不对劲。探热的时候已经是夜深,那部可恶的电视机仍旧是看不到字幕。无聊之下转到了TVB Pearl想不到正在播Sex and the City,好久都没看过了,自从有了blog,我几乎与电视机绝缘。英语多么的好听啊!但我的心就是聚不了在那里,眼皮有N吨重,然后看着看着就去见周公了。然后突然醒来,原来刚刚播完,正在播熟悉的片尾曲和字幕,好久都没听这首熟悉的歌了,但原来自己仍旧对它如此熟悉。混沌中的我甚至在想,我到底在什么时候呢?我现在是在读高中吗?但只需稍有思维,我知道我在干嘛了。

昨晚那一觉睡得不错,起码我醒来的时候鼻子没有塞。然后高兴地发现,Anita No Te Rajes – capitulo114.rmvb和另外一个文件已经完成,而且出了Anita No Te Rajes – capitulo115.rmvb,多么令人兴奋的消息啊!不过我还是关掉了电脑继续睡觉,当时才7:00AM。

再次醒来已经是10:30AM,发现有朋友又在这里留言了,于是先回复。然后发现另外一个flash的留言本[x-book]也有司徒锦绣的新留言,他的FTP://aotiange.2288.org建立了几乎一个月我都没有光顾,每次坐到电脑前都想不到要那样做,这次终于做了。嘿嘿,居然不是网页形式,而是一个文件夹形式,原来架FTP可以如此省。于是没有经得他个人同意就写了新post http://onion.vip.sina.com, 从来就没有想过我这样做会影响他的速度,我实在有点太天真自私了,只想满足自己的朋友而忘记了他。直到下午我在睡觉的时候他发短信来问我是不是在下载,我才意识到这个问题。但现在已经经得他允许了。









By xrspook @ 23:05:00 归类于: 烂日记


By xrspook @ 0:06:00 归类于: 扮IT

以为节日贴图是 的专利,原来 也喜欢。

Earth Day 2005

而翻看BlogBus 公告板也搞了类似的东西:

恭贺新禧 2005-02-09 17:04

情人节 2005-02-14 12:00

元宵节 2005-02-24 16:52

国际妇女节 2005-03-08 15:56

愚人节 2005-03-31 14:14


Writing in English (publish on weekend)

By xrspook @ 22:46:22 归类于: 想当年的作业

Now, I am doing English writing every day. It heard a little suprise, however, it's true. All my daires (in working day) are all in English. The target fo doing such thing is not that I want to show off my poor capacity but do practices and make a note of my growing up.

Still remember the days in Senior Three, my English teacher asked us to wrote something in English every day, how many words you had written it's not important, the significance point was very simple that you must write, and as a result, yo uwould feel no resistance in your enter examination. However, because of the limitted time and countless homework, I just believed it, but didn't work it out.

Now, the foolish me has gone, I'm doing it unconsciously. In fact, I'm not following the teacher's intruction, instead, I'm just doing the thing in my own style.

At the English class of Tuesday, the teacher talked about a student who read New Concept all along, and then could write a perfect essay in foreigner's way. At that time, I couldn't help thinking about myself. Because of lack of abundant reading and listening, I just can write in a very Chinese way automaticly, however, how I cna squeeze more time to do that? The students around me lke listening to Chinese songs, and the situation here is so awful. In spite of that, I shouldn't have any excurse.

I just want to ask two questions, can that student write almost everything in English each day? Was he/she able to write such a essay with about 400 words in less than 20 minutes? (Including think out the composing) But I did. The continuous writing in this term has given me such a competent. I don't know why, maybe it's the expectation of my Senior Three teacher. Have such ability, all the English writing is just an easy job.

However, the quantity and finishing it in a short time just two normal part of English writing. The most important one is the quanlity. But how can I get it? It won't come as a gift from the gods, I believe. Have done such plenty writing in English. Somethings have been improved, but others not. Now, I lose my direct to go on.

The road lead to succeed writing seem endless, I need and anchor at this moment. Or I just can do it as I have done, and waiting to see the final result.

Write a essay in my own topic and style feel great. (Just like this one.) I like this way, whereas, the examination won't let me do so.

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