

By xrspook @ 17:20:34 归类于: 烂日记



高数马上该做完了,应该是简直得庆祝的事,但做到做后一题就是只是解一个三元一次方程就搞定了,根本不用思考,可以说是简单到不能再简单了。但我就是算不了,老是解到x=1, y=1/2, z=3/2, 而答案是x=1, y=-1, z=3,我怎么验算都发现自己没有问题,但题目的答案也同样没有问题,三元一次方程是绝对不可能有2个解的,况且是这么普通完美的3个三元方程。





然后第二个气人的就是C语言。用Dev-C+ + version4.9.9.0来试C语言,根本就不知为什么无法在MS-DOS下看效果,无论是第一次在Window ME还是刚才在Window 98第二版,无奈啊!开始的时候很高兴在打源代码的时候它自己居然会把格式搞出来,直到编译都没有问题,但是一按运行就看到MS-DOS窗口弹出来然后就马上消失,简直不知道发生什么,根本就无法看效果。在两台机子两个操作系统的效果都是如此。






By xrspook @ 22:25:45 归类于: 烂日记










可鲁同样用他的行为感动了他所带的盲人——渡边先生,因此渡边先生就对他有如此两句的评价: “通过导盲犬(导盲犬所佩带的导盲具),可以让我看到蓝天。”;“它让我想起了人类原本走路的方式。”可鲁用它自己的方式改变了渡边先生的人生态度(电视剧版的尤为明显)。他,好伟大啊!





Sorry Mine(publish on weekend)

By xrspook @ 21:52:53 归类于: 想当年的作业

Still remember this tile was a sentence of "RDK" very like to say. Sometimes he will throw his tennis in the sky and don't know where it's, and then, he will say this sentence. By the way, "RDK" is a famous tennis player from American.

"Sorry mine", I don't want to tell just a funny story, but how regret I am now, after knowing the score of English last term.

My examination score was 81, and the usual score was 100, so the average score was 87. I couldn't imagine I would get 100 in usual, and everybody didn't have such unthinkable score. The most terrible thing is this happened at nobody but me. Maybe I am very silly, I just can think the reason was that the teacher wanted me to be better, and that's the only thing she can do. If it's true, I'm sorry, I'm very sorry that she must did it for me.

Though my express in class maybe better than others, or you cna say maybe sharper than others, yet did I deserve to that perfect score??? I do my best when do everything, from debate to my homework, but I don't think I was better than others. I'm also a normal person just as others, but why, why I can get that but others can't? Am I really so good in usual? Because of the presentation in the debate? Because of the weekly essays I wrote? I had do my best last term, that's no double of it, but what about others? They maybe did their best too!

I know the teacher gave me such score must put herself into a very embarrass situation. How can she explain this score to other? Did the student really very perfect??? What's the special ability the student have? And why you dare to give her such score?…I know, I know how difficult it will be to her! For me, she surffer so much, was she worth?

Sorry mine, I had such score in the exam, but that's all my real level, I just cna do that. Because I pay no attention in garmmer, I just can show my feeling in an very informal way, that's why I look so good at presentaion but just can get such score in examinaion.

I know, sorry means nothing, sorry can do nothing. The thing has passed , tomorrow is my hope. Pay too much attention at the past just waste of time, but I really feel very guilty, yet I swear I won't let my teacher in such situation once again. I must be bright just like the sun, have light from inside.

If the same exam result happens again, just let it go, I deserve it. You had pay so much patient to me, I won't let you disappoint anymore, if I can.

Believe me.I will be bright as the sun, glow by myself. The person, trust me, I won't you disappoint again!



By xrspook @ 22:29:52 归类于: 烂日记

土包子的生活令我觉得只要不下雨的 天气就是好天气,只要地上是干爽,没有泥泞的地方就是好地方。对好的要求一下子降低了好多好多。




首先到了购书中心,一上就是3楼,首先到“三联”看看这个月的NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC,可恶又有我关心的,心爱的东西,虽然只有一个报道,一个部分涉及,但也令我心动。不过当然啦,这本书不能在“三联”买,因为“三联”的章一盖上去,这本书就失真了不少,起码2页就此毁掉了,况且因为没有外套,条纹码直接贴在书上,于是封地又毁掉了。不过这也是它的好处,如果不是这样,我又怎么能看到里面的内容呢?其他地方都是用胶套封好的,不准拆,不过什么地方都没有“三联”这里进货快,所以我只能在这里观赏,而再等上1个月等其他地方有卖。

然后上四楼,看我的教参。终于明白为什么我的物理书是写成“物理学教程”(A Course in Physics)而不直接写“物理学”(Physics)因为两本是根本不同的两本书,的确有一本叫做《物理学》的书,也是高等教育出版社,出到了第四版,有分上中下三册,而我的《物理学教程》就只有上下两册。幸好有写英语日记的习惯,然后不得不注意书的名字,要不就肯定中招了。 《物理学》有教材辅导和习题解答两本不同的参考书,而《物理学教程》就只有一本习题分析与解答。差点就买错书,幸亏再看多一点。因为两本书的出版社,编者,封面颜色完全一模一样。最后收钱的时候还被那个收款的说我慢,你试试拿那么多东西啦!令今天的快乐打了折扣。


然后就没想过要马上去搭车,打算走过海印桥再搭车回去。路过外文书店,于是又进去看看。岂有此理,NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC才卖到去年的,还有原来Collin除了字典还有语法书、语法书和字典合在一起的,居然从来没有见过,当然啦,这不是中国出的,纯进口的,但价钱也不用那么惊人吧,只有薄薄的一本价钱就3位数,其他地方没有卖,它怎么垄断都行啦。再看看它卖西文材料的地方,居然和意大利语,泰语,阿拉伯语等等超小的语言放在一起,而把德语、日语、法语、俄语都开一个专柜,太可恶了!学校招人也没有那么可恶啊!




The Bright Thursday

By xrspook @ 21:21:00 归类于: 烂日记

For many days, we hoped the weather could turn better, the rain and wet day we all hated them. The ugly days brought an muddy road, the walking men hated it, even the buses and texts  hated it. The buese changed theirs way, didn’t come here. The weather left us just the angry.

This afternoon, we saw sun shine and blue sky again!!! I like it!!!! The sun is so warmand the dry wind made me feel good too. A bright day come to me, even this morning I still had to use unbrella to protend myself from awful rain. The weather changed, and my feeling changed too, what a great day!

Not everything is so great even in bright day, such as the tennis  classes were cancalled, and I couldn’t focus myself in the listening of English classes. 

Pay all myself in listening a language I don’t know – Español, I even forget how to catch the words in English listening and spell of the words I was very familiar to. The situation just likes I went to SCAU, I don’t think the ability of doing this can disappear, but I must pay more practices to get it back. I don’t know the meaning, I don’t know how to focus, I don’t know how to guess, that’s all my problems.

Till now, the English teacher never called me in class this term. I don’t know what have happened??? But why she didn’t call me? I ahad prepared very well, and in some time even eagered she could call me, but… I know others are very afraid of her calling, so I had to pretend it too, yet by heart, I eagered her calling, I need chance to improve myself and my confident.

After seeing the score of English last term, I felt very sorry to my English teacher. My final examination was just 81, and the usual score was 100, so the average score was 87. "100" what an impossible mark. Everybody’s usual score was just had 2 digits, but I had 3. I wasn’t a genius, I didn’t have power that others didn’t. I just finished the things which I needed to by heart. "100" is a mircale to me, and to everybody, maybe I think even to the teacher herself. Without "100", I couldn’t get the average 87. And wrote it in 100, I know it’s very difficult to her. For this, maybe she had to explain a lot, how a student cna be so perfect??? I didn’t have a good mark in exam made her do so difficult thing, I feel very sorry. Sorry to make her into such situation. I must work hard, I can’t disappoint her any more, bright by myself, just like the sun today.  

I must be bright as the sun!!!! From inside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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