

By xrspook @ 20:32:38 归类于: 烂日记



而且他的口水超多,说了足足2节课没关“有机化学”书本的东西。也许这就是连上3节课老师的通病吧,自以为时间充足所以从来不单刀直入 ,于是基本上都要说2节课的废话再入话题。







Fight for My Life

By xrspook @ 20:09:40 归类于: 烂日记

The courses are kidding me, every night I have classes. Some are end up at 9:05PM, the others are at 10:00PM. What my life will be? Don’t have time to have shower everyday, how can I expect the future???

In an hour or two, we must have 4 people’s showers, and the problem is not our speed but the hot water, because of the problem of hot water,  it leads to another thing – electric. The "hot water room" don’t have hot water on time, and the other problem is the hot water doesn’t hot at all. It just can be called warm water or it’s just cold water. So we must have our way to creat the true hot water, and then by what? Electric, but the wire is limited and the time of elecrc sending is limitted too, that’s the great problem.

We must go to have classes in the evening is not a problem, the problem is we can’t have shower as we wish. Maybe it’s not a problem at all to a northern person, but we all are familiar to XX everyday.

I don’t want to be a "bumpkin" but…

I have my firt Maxiom Philosophia, and it’s boring. I know if the philosophia teacher is a male it will be boring, and now I prove the thought.

She doesn’t have her own opinion, and she can’t bring up the topic, and just want sb. can, and she just made some comments in them. She’s not suitable to be a philosophia teacher, she doesn’t know a lot of story that we don’t know, though even she knows she dosen’t show to us, that’s no use.

Still remember the days I have in high middle school, what a perfect teachers I had at that time! But now, she’ s so rubbish…

I don’t know what will be tomorrow, maybe the life I have will be difficult. Want to have a happy life forever is impossible, but I just want to have a simple one!

Fight for my life, maybe it’s the job for for everybody forever and ever!!!


Brand New Term

By xrspook @ 19:48:34 归类于: 烂日记

The first day, I slept till 11:15AM, lazy, too lazy. Though it’s not all my fault, I hadn’t no classes in the morning, I don’t know what should do, so, so… At the same time, I wasn’t tired at all, had be awake many tme, but all the roommate didn’t wake up, how could I…? 

The first class I met in this time was "A Course in Physices", how could its name like this!!! Anybody knows it’s a course, it’s useless to say "A Course in", just say "Physics" that’s enough. Or it maybe just translate all the words from Chinese "物理学教程".

And it’s no double of it that "physics" will be an important course to me this term. I have 3 classes of "A Course in Physics" and 2 classes of "Physical Experiment". That’s funny, I want to escape from physics, but it hugs me tighter and tighter.

The physics I learn, I can explain in an simple sentence, that is "The combination of  physics that I have learned before and the high maths". In my opinion(IMO for short), the knowledge I have learnt, but the way to explain the knowledge is new. The solution of problem is new face to me. The statement of the knowledge is one thing, but the example of the knowledge is another. The word you can understand easily, but the exercise will have its difficulty. The feeling of learning this physics is improve my expression to translate the old knowledge in a brand new way which I don’t understand very well. (用一个我还不大懂的方法去阐述以前的旧知识点) 

Have 3 physical classes in an afternoon, maybe it’s just the first time, feeling was not too bad. I didn’t think physics is a boring thing to me and I have never fell asleep in each of them before.(But when I was in XX [no SCAU] I never fell asleep in all the subjects)

And the name of the physical teacher is also funny to me "刘慧", a friend of my primery school. Of course it’s just the words by chance.

I think the story today must end up with physics, that’s:
物理释义——中国学者译物理为“格致学”:“格物致知, 诚意,正心,修身,齐家,治国,平天下”


Nothing Can Do but This

By xrspook @ 18:32:28 归类于: English

I don’t know what should I do. The subject taken is so annoying, and the classes became more troublesome too. "Life is not easy to any of us, we must work hard everyday until we succeed…" this sentence appear to me once again.

When I didn’t fall into this trouble this morring or exactly was noo, I was so happy to read the news online, my whole body could enjoy in them without any other aonfusing, but now, all have changed, the computer, the TV, the songs, the people I like… come around to me, the poor thing is that’s just a perfect dream, the dream never comes true.

I face the fact. The old place, the old person adn the old daily book. Nothing can do but this. Do I need to read the new test book? No, I don’t want to ! Do I go to sleep? But it’s still early! The Q dog blows into my mind, but I can’t get it. The broadcast time had passed, I missed it, maybe it was the last, but I missed it.

The English writting become an diffecult job to me. I can’t show my feeling, I can’t show what I what easily from them. What happened? Just a winter vacation, but all ability is disappeared. Pick up the gel-pen to write is so difficult, of course, for such a long time, the computer keyboard has taken the place of my pen.

All the vacation I didn’t write an English essay, that’s why now I feel the difficult.

Anita, no te rajes has gone into a very excellent show. The dramatic contradiction will become very sharp. The evil person will come again.

"Tomorrow is another day and will be better." It’s the sentence I learn from the forum of "Anita". For a long time, I just know the sentence at the beginning, but the end of the sentence is so perfect too. "Will be better", I hope I will be better too.

That’s all I want to say.


Just Say Goodbye

By xrspook @ 14:43:57 归类于: 烂日记





现在就只能对我自己的blog,对在支持我的朋友denmark, 衷心第说一声chao(西文,means goodbye),下个星期见了:)然后再补回一个星期的日记(可能五天都是英文),我的日子好苦啊!

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