

By xrspook @ 21:55:02 归类于: 烂日记

我真的不知道我今天干嘛了。早上8:30醒了,睡了;9:30醒了,仍然睡了;10:00终于起床了。干这干那,到差不多11:00终于抄了2个单元的phrase expression,然后和妈出去了。也不知道出去干嘛,反正出去了。回来已经3:00,然后又全家一起出去,搞了个保险箱,回家到现在又在看电视,吃饭,洗澡,做一些无聊到极点的事。


电视机彻底死掉了,完全的字幕都看不到,再过一个星期可能连台徽都看不到了。现在看的TVB Pearl真的是彻底的英文台,我终于可以一心一意地看人的行为和听他们的话了,再也不会受字幕的影响。听到的并不多,但比我有字幕的时候多多了。有时情不自禁地跟着他们一起说,终于不怕父母听到什么不好的东西了,包括我自己,也不一定听得到。这样子的电视,好?坏?


香港今天有来义演,足足7小时,无国界的义演,包括内地和台湾的艺人也踊跃参加,香港人的爱心真的实在太太太好了。他们真的有good hearts,特别是作为传媒的演艺界,反应快,而且效应强烈,真的很值得中国内地和世界各地的人们学习。他们的义演不为什么,就为了能筹更多的款项,解除更多人的痛苦,只有世界上人人都幸福,他们才会满足。即使他们要节衣缩食,只要他们有多余的一点点钱,都要献给全人类。这就是我们一直缺少的博爱了!钱挣回来了,只有这些钱能是更多人幸福,那么钱的价值才能真正体现。钱能体现他们的爱心,但他们的爱心却远远不能用钱去衡量。


What I have done today???



By xrspook @ 21:54:21 归类于: 烂日记

今天是最后一天上课,上的是英文,是没有做presentation的人和老师face to face,我是xrspook,我怕谁,况且是英文。虽然我没有做presentation,但上次的debate应该已经给老师很深的印象了,她也知道我的口语水平到底到哪里,其实做不做face to face又有什么差别。别人为此紧张好久,我却没有半点不适,很是放松。反而是要背的35个翻译句子令人感到不安。

当我走到老师那里,她突然说我smelly good, 然后又说是我的shampoo smelly good吓了我一大跳。smelly这个词不可以随便乱用啊,会令人disgust的。然后我就主动唱了一段Take Me to You Heart, 肯定也吓她一跳,当她叫停的时候我还意犹未尽还谈了一段感受,结果最后就只用翻译一句话,哈哈!对我来说很快就过去了。我还没把要说的说完,说到我的高潮就结束了,当然半点谈不上紧张。

然后突然又说要在下午2:00开什么考试动员班会,我管你啊!早不开,迟不开,偏偏现在开,我还要等你到2:00?根本就不是抱着我为人人的心开班会的,身为xrspook, 我不管。

接着就去了购书中心买了我人生的第二本NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC,看来我对它的感情不再深刻了,相信短时间内也不会买第三本。又买了VOICES的The Ultimate Collection, 以后也不会再有voices了,但质量问题,其中有两首是听不到的,算了吧。





Sleep! Sleep! Sleep!

By xrspook @ 21:51:43 归类于: 烂日记

Make a plan is so easy, but let it come true is another. Every time  we think a lot of impossible dream and hope it come true without any hard work. But now, I know just a possible thing, if you don’t have strong desire, it is still a daydream, especially in cold winter.

Every night I told myself I must get up early tomorrow morning to review my text book, but when the other day came, the sun rise and the ray came onto my bed, I always told myself I would sleep a little longer. And the poor thing is the "a little longer" means I miss a great time- a whole morning. Today, I got up at 11:00 AM, though I had read my books in bed for about 45 minutes, yet where was my other time? Is it gone with the wind?

Also today I had heard a song "Stop! Stop! Stop!" three times. And now I think I must change it a little into "Sleep! Sleep! Sleep!" to explain what I have done today!!!

Time is over but nothing I have done…

When I want to catch it, it has flow away…

This year I have 20 years old, but what I have done?

Without wasting so much time, what will I be?


The Last Experiment Day

By xrspook @ 21:50:00 归类于: 烂日记

Joy and pain, I have gone through. The smile and tears, I have attemptted. Fail and success make up the experiment classes. Still remember the first classes, my group had done 5 times experiment; and the last time, we got a great success. The homework of it cost also terrible. Every experiment, we must use five or more paper to finish the experiment report. The day was painful but also happy.

All the people used all their strength and mental at it. Every boiling and crystallization made us exciting. And teh change of colour, shape and smell… We changed our feeling together. The experiment resule just like our children, we did our best to make it handsome, beautiful and strong. Especially, when we waited in front of the oven, all our eyes stared into it, just lke parents stand in front of glasses watching their babies and hoped them can quickly grow up. That feeling of love and eager were difficult discrible by words.

Through this kind of experiment, we know what’s patient and what’s love.

To be a scientist or an engineer, can do a good experiment is the first require. And next term, we will have 15 weeks experiment classes. What will happen?

God know!!!

See you next term!


New Year Lazy Look

By xrspook @ 21:49:05 归类于: 烂日记

What to be change? Make a promise is an easy job, but let it become true is another. Manner can’t change easily, if you want to make a wish and hope it will come true without doing anything, that’s impossible.

New year is a brand new beginning for every of us. We have another chances, though the people and the thing we meet are still the same. But I believe, there’s a hope there’s a way. At the same time, all I have said was just a perfect dream.

Acturally, I was still the old face-lazy bone. I told myself I must get up early so I would have more time to review my homework, but…When I woke up, it had 10 o’clock in the moring, my heart was broken so I still went to sleep. That’s the real thing happened in my first three day in 2005. I don’t want to such thing happen again and again, but, how can I do? I was a lazy bone, a 100% lazy bone. My family did the same thing as me, and they just got up a little earlier than me. What’s wrong with our life?

Was the 2005 a lazy year?

But just right now I found my endure had improved, I have a bigger chest to contain more objection:)

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