
Advantage and Disadvantage of Home Computer

By xrspook @ 22:55:24 归类于: 想当年的作业

Computer have come ato our home silently. Because of study, relax and so many reasns, computers appear in many people's homes. A few years ago, computer is just a daydream to me, now however, it has become my close friends.

Through computer we can search a lot information easily at home, instead od losing ourselves in books's ocean. There's no double of that benefit of computer is huge. Because of it, we commmunicate many more, and we just need to pay a little to talk with our friends in foreign countries, and also get rid of the horrible telephone bills. At the same time, the shopping online is also convenient to us very much, all the trasations is just like pressing a key, and the thing you need will come to you in a short time. Saving your time is saving your life. The home computer really saves your life. SOHO is a new occupation because of the popular of home computer. Don't you want to work at your comfortable home?

However, everythings has two sides. The benefit is so big that its adverse consequences also can't be forgotten. Many more recluses come out because of extremely losing themselves in computer. They get addicted deeply, and escape from the real world. And a lot of students can't control themselves from computer games. The poor thing is computer not only distory human's mental, ita slos let people's pphysic go bad. Eyeside will became worse and worse, and the changes of catching cancer will became higher and higher too.

Unquestonably, the develop of computer brings plenty of convenient to us. Because of it, our life change a lot. On the other hand, we must also know the terrible result come with it. Many people can't stand up against the lure of it, and become the slave of computer. The computer becomes a strong drug and makes they addicted.

So we must promote the right use of computer to all the people, let the benefit service us and the adverse affect get away from us.



By xrspook @ 18:10:21 归类于: 烂日记







Good Performent

By xrspook @ 17:43:34 归类于: 烂日记

Wait for a long time, I have been nervous for about a week. The debate today, I knew I would be the debater. I have never done it before. In my middle school, there won’t be such thing, and in my high school, the golden chance won’t be to me. I knew it would be an opportunity, I would become a big show, or I would just a failer. The truth told me, I didn’t miss it.

The base chemical experiment classes seemed very smooth, but in fact, it was fail. My group finished the experiment very quickly, other couldn’t finish in such a short time, but we did. But the result was so poor, the error was so big and the teacher was a litte threaten. That’s the pay of “too quickily”. But I had do some good prepare for the debate in the afternoon, I had no time to be wasted.

The English classes began, and my heart started to become very fast, and it almost wanted to jump out of my body. After two people’s topices, I felt a little calm, for I knew I wouldn’t be the worst one today.

I was the first debater, when I started I still had a great many nervous. As the performent went on, I felt better more and more. And when I realized I could think when I spoke, I wasn’t nervous at all. But the first error couldn’t be changed, so I had to speak some spanish at last. Those spanish I wanted to say at first, because all of these were some greeting words. But the unthinkable error brought another good effect. I think it maybe “错有错着”. And at the debate I enjoyed myself very much, just saying some own opinion, no one would pay more attention at your gammer errors.

And at last, my team won. I was the best in my team. (They were all agree, not just my own opinion) After classes, I adviced the teacher to publish the article in “blog“, to my surprise, she knew nothing of “blog“. I had used “blog” for about half of year, and knew “blog” about one year. And she also asked me the Chinese name of “blog“, of course “博客“,but its Chinese name is so ugly. It’s not her wrong because fo my special situation so I knew it so early. I realized the road of promoting blog to every person is very long and hard.

The end of the daily is, the English teacher gave me two words to end up”Good performent!” And I gave back a smile. What can I do else?! It’s a good performent to other, and a great happiness to me.



By xrspook @ 17:17:36 归类于: 烂日记











By xrspook @ 16:38:01 归类于: 烂日记

地狱之沙又再次向我袭来,烟尘再次把我淹没,又身处与世隔绝的“土包子”之地。汽车颠簸在无法想象的烂路上,这就是使我有“骑马”,甚至“骑疯牛”的经验。鼻子和车窗的几次经历几乎是亲密接触,PP离开了椅子后又再次重重地摔到上面。这就是每次回到五山公寓的必经之验。路还是那条路,烟尘还是那样漫天飞舞。这就是我的生活和学习的“高等学府”,与其这样说,不如说是个超级不合格,在市区会被人罚N mol次的建筑工地。


现实总是痛苦的,虚拟的生活使我快乐。blogbus重开了,又可以上了,但并不是我想象中的那样升级,也许是升级不成功吧。还有那个“恢复数据”功能原来是假的,并不可以真正利用,幸好我每次都保留数据。danzhu说留言本那边不能用是因为我们的机的cookie(小甜心)把它禁了,并不是那个网站有collapse了,用代理可以上,但什么叫做代理啊!这次又探明了一个问题,就是hacha3.X版本我及一大部分人之所以不能用是因为它的语言是“西班牙语(传统)”而hacha 2.X版本的语言则是“英语(美国)”,应该是我的系统不匹配,许多人的系统也不匹配(大概是用翻版的缘故),我以后就再也不用再试了,一天不用正版,一天问题也许都解决不了。新的hacha 3.04也出了,可以选择自动删除原始的.0,.1……的文件,与用wmr下载后的合并一样方便,但可惜的是我用不了,科技进步,我却停滞不前,好失败啊!

这个星期的eMule也很争气,一共下载了7个文件,Anita, no te rajes的Cap5,36,48,51,40b和用图片组成的交响乐做背景音乐的las millon cara,感觉一般般,但每张图片的质量都几乎一样,这也是挺难的。Cap 5有JEA打网球的片段,真的好臭啊!甚至比我还要臭,不知是他装出来的还是真实水平。他的开球因为抛得太低,因此动作好象很“小气”的样子。他一共打了4球,第一球打出去对方回了,然后他下网了;第二球他打在对方身上;第三球他也是对方回了后他打下网了;第四球他没心情了,也不向上抛球,就随便像我上课那样把球打过去了,不过他没等球弹地就打了。但从他最后的一拍,他以前的动作应该是装出来的,因为最后一拍,他无意中打得很标准。我之所以有那么专业的评论,因为在看他之前在电视上看到了西班牙对美国的高级比赛,与高手相比,哦~~~实在差太远了!!!!嘻嘻!!!


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