
English Daily-Power Up

By xrspook @ 23:42:07 归类于: 烂日记

Terrible me! Today I arrived at the classroom at 7:00 AM, at that time just two people there. There’s something wrong with me. Just like yesterday, I did some English exercises and then read “Español Moderno” read English and Español really made me very spiral during the two chemical classes. At the break of the classes I read Español, it’s really very efficient to me, so that I could put all my heart in listening to teacher.


Then I went to practice tennis. Just to find a place, it cost a lot of time. The boys who played terrible football, if I still went there had taken the best place; I just wanted to kill myself. To find a place, we attempted for several places, at last I practiced in the road of A3 and A4. Pat the ball against the wall, I had to pick and pat, just repeated the same movement. But it was still not good enough; it’s always higher or lower, the right ball just appeared 10%. But I must practiced, I didn’t want to be shouted by the tennis teacher for “You haven’t take back your tennis pat, you haven’t finish the action” or “Don’t play too energetically!” (Because it’s really dangerous, will intimidate him or others safe, all of this I have said in my earlier daily.) I must let him and others see my real power, I must give them a great show, let them jealous me! Ha! ha!

今天决定用英汉同时写blog,因为没有太多的时间说英语,只有这样。至于语法错误什么的我就不管了,管TM的。 也去了“百佳”,百佳里没花钱,出了百佳M(Mcdonald)就花掉了17.5,吃麦辣鸡腿汉堡超级套餐,好久没吃了,一年都没吃了,可能因为华农的湘川菜的锻炼,我再也不觉得那以前劲辣的包辣了。

It’s just a start. What will happen if I write all the dailies in English?



By xrspook @ 23:13:08 归类于: 烂日记








By xrspook @ 23:11:04 归类于: 烂日记



但这仅仅是当专业演员遇到的很皮毛的问题。更大的问题应该是无法想象的工作量。今天在Anita, no te rajes的英文论坛那里看到了一则讨论JEA戴眼镜的问题。显然,JEA有近视,而且可能是深度的,因为他的采访没有一个是不戴眼镜的,但他在Anita, no te rajes里面却要扮演一个不戴眼镜的Eduardo,所以只能戴隐形眼镜。戴眼镜的人不戴眼镜是种痛苦,我自己就是一个活生生的例子。于是人们就说JEA在工作之余一定会戴普通的眼镜来舒缓疲劳,而这就是重点“工作之余”,是在每天工作16、17个小时之余,我想没有一个职业要每天工作16、17个小时吧,太恐怖了!这样的工作,专业演员们还能有能力背老长的台词?还记得很久很久以前,在拍完Yo soy Betty, la Fea之后有人问JEA最想干什么,他会选择睡觉,因为他说他3天共睡了3小时,人还要活吗?在这种超级脑缺氧的情况下还能表演出合适剧情的东西吗?还能装得很精神?很快乐?很享受?我觉得如果在那种情况下,我不原地晕倒已经是奇迹了。



What Life A College Freshman has!!!(Ⅱ)(publish on weekend)

By xrspook @ 10:47:41 归类于: 想当年的作业

The most things I can't bear is that the College of Food and Science can't allow all the freshman to bring computer the first year. What rule is that! How can they do so! Because they afraid the freshman can't control them will lose their heart in surf online or play computer games. But even though the freshman can't control, will they affirm the old students can control? How funny this answer is! Even in Senior Three, I still surf online, but now my life is …

After Final Examination, I used to write my dairy online. Everyday whatever it is difficult, I will stick to write. A lot of student do that, that kind of thing called "blog"(a shared on-line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies; a daily written record of (usually personal) experiences and observations), when I start my first essay I had swear to myself, I must continual to do this, no matter how difficulty I met. I don't want to break my commitment, eat my words! But the real life tell me, you can't! Every weekend I have to go home and type my dailies into computer, I have to type five passage or more! Terrible! How much time I have to spend! And how boring it is! But if I do it everyday, I just need to use 15 minutes. The big problem is that I have no computer. When I didn't start my blog, I didn't like writing or communicating at all. But now, because of blog, I completely changed. Now my blog has more than 200 essays, all of that narrate my colorful life. That's my valuable memory. It evidence my grown up. If I still do it all my life, think about it, after 30 years or more, I pick it up and review, what feeling I will have? Or you will say, just a daily, why not just write in papers? Because write them on blog, your experience can share with many more people. Sharing your life with other, isn't good? And your experiences maybe really can help others, your knowledge need us to share. If we know share, our life will become more comfortable.

The thing I can't bear is that, why the South China Agricultural University must separate the web in China and in foreign countries? If I want to surf the web of foreign country I have to have special request, and have to pay more, why? Internet, what's the meaning of Internet? (Internet [the meaning from Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary-Extended fourth edition]: international computer network, which consist of a large number of individual computers and computer systems, connected by telecommunications circuits.国际互联网,因特网) But in our school, can it be international? Some people said the students in South China Agricultural University are old style person. Now maybe I know the reason. Because of too less chances to communicate with the world. Even we are agricultural school, but why can't we change the "Tu Bao Zi" called? I think the first step we must change the thought of the leading group.

Though I just a girl, and my course is Food and Science. I am still be eager to have computer and can surf in foreign website. It just a little request why not comes true??? I am an adult, but why not believe me??? The entire computer projects just become a cat with gloves. In a word, it broke my heart.



By xrspook @ 23:41:55 归类于: 烂日记


看完《等待野蛮人》以后,对J.M Coetzee这个南非作家非常感兴趣。 《等待野蛮人》给我的感觉有点像《百年孤独》 ,但看完后没有那么郁闷,没有为《百年孤独》里的家族而感到同情,为他们的厄运而伤心了好一段日子。看完《等待野蛮人》以后我的心十分平静,思想伸向远方,但到底在哪里我不知道。令我血脉沸腾的是故事中间的部分。那些比较恐怖的描写,没有加入任何个人的因素,作者的感情,但却让我如同亲身经历般痛苦,所有的东西如同历历在目。


于是今天决定又去把J.M Coetzee的余下作品搬回家,我没打算买他出名的作品《聊》 ,因为现在只有上海译林出版社出版了,是硬皮的,在床上躺着看得不方便(习惯躺着看书,因此眼睛也……)。没有买的也有《彼得堡的大师》 ,看见名字就知道在说某人,我不喜欢。于是就买了《伊丽莎白·科斯特洛:八堂课》、《青春》、《迈克尔·K的生活和时代》。随便翻看了《青春》《迈克尔·K的生活和时代》感觉并不如《等待野蛮人》强烈,可能与译者有关吧。


同样是现代主义作品,我不喜欢《墙上的斑点》 ,因为它太不知怎么说,看着斑点想一大堆东西,我能体会到的就是作者的想象力十分丰富,但看完我的心没有斑点波澜。同样不喜欢的就是《等待戈多》 ,太深奥了,我不明白,因此没有涟漪。我需要的是从简单中可引出大问题的东西,但因为水平有限,所以不能太深。现代主义作品的先父——卡夫卡,他的《变形记》我也挺喜欢,很渴望能看到他出名的作品《城堡》 ,因为好象每说到现代主义的作品或作家都会提到它,真的很想见识一下。

今天也买了《书虫——第六级》 (包括: 《简·爱》、《雾都孤儿》、《傲慢与偏见》、《苔丝》都是英文简写及对照本),还有《剑桥国际英语3》的录音带,还有《新概念英语的词汇手册》 。都是去省图批买的,虽然都有8折,但都买了102.3元。同时发现《现代西班牙语》的第4、5册果然没有录音带卖,大部分都只剩下第一册的录音带,难道广州突然有很多人学西文?



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