
To be or Not To be

By xrspook @ 3:43:39 归类于: 烂日记

It is a good thing or not? The P.E. classes today didn't need to test our 800-metre race, and today we just practiced and the next week is really our test. Do not have to run right now, it's a good thing, but I have to be afraid for one more week, and the feeling will be terrible the same, in this side, is it good?

We run 3 rounds today, it meant we had run 1200 meters. The feeling was not so bad, at first, we run very slowly, and the secondly, I thought run two rounds looked like better than run 4 rounds (if it's 200 meters per round). I could feel the breath was OK, or you could say it's very comfortable. Though I had run 1200 meters, but I was still here. I still could feel myself, I hadn't die. The tennis teacher asked us to run 1200 meters in this speed every other day until the test. I really want to, this time I feel jogging is not so bad, if I have some music, which will be better. But in fact, I won't do it, because of no playground, because of I don't want to get up so early, because, because, because… So many because. After today's practicing, I am not so afraid as I used to be.






To be a Designer

By xrspook @ 2:50:48 归类于: 烂日记

My class is going to make our own clothes and flag. So every dormitory must designs their owe one. “The fire burns high when everybody adds wood to it.” A united people are like a strong city fortification, everyone must do something for it.

I always thought to make “Food”, “Science”, “Three”, “Zero” and “Four” together in a sign to be our badge. Of course I must choose the first letters. In math classes, when the teacher was not speaking something, I would go to in my mind to unite those things together. I was not a professor designer; I hadn’t had any class about it before. The only thing I had was a warm heart, and a very pressing hope. After many times failed, I got an idea!
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The second one is my first designs, but it is void of the letter “S”, in fact, it is easier to understand. The first one is more activity. The shape of “S” hair, it’s very modern and meaningful.

And then we also must design four sentences to be our leading words: “超越自我,激励成功”,”Just do it”,”‘食’力无限,’品’劲十足”,”活力无限食工(3)”. The second I repeated we are not the professor of advertisement designers, so the sign and the words maybe also terrible and can’t bring to the others, but sincerely, they are all made by us in heart. Also, we wrote a Fido Dido in the back of the clothes (the 7 up’s model) in his (Fido Dido) shirt, we will write our number. At first we want to write some Chinese character in the right and downs side of the shirt, but you know, the Chinese character are too difficult to write, so at last, though we had such design, we gave up.





Cloudy Day Made Me Upset

By xrspook @ 2:40:00 归类于: 烂日记

I like the sun is shining, and the birds are singing, and then my happiness is coming. I don’t like cloudy day, it made me think about poor things or boring things.

The rainy day I also don’t very enjoy. But as I live in Guangzhou, I have to face it every year. In the cloudy and wet day, everywhere is in cold and moist, you almost can smell mold just around you. The fortunate thing is that the climate in Guangzhou is not Mediterranean Climate. The summer is hot and dry, but the winter is cold and wet. This kind of climate appears in J.Z. Coetzee & Garcia Márquez stories, just when I read them, I hate that weather, and it makes heavy and me upset.

It is a long time that I haven’t seen rain here. A lot of places are too dry to grow crops and food, thought I don’t like raining, in heart, I really hope it rain. The cloudy day let me feel, as I can’t breath, it’s so suppress. When the English class was going, I heard “sha”, and then looked out of windows, it rained at last. It’s the second I met rain in South China Agricultural University. The first I was still in military training, and that experience was so terrible, but this time, I just needed to sit in the classroom and shared the moment.

今天的风好象大了,天真的凉了吗?昨天的蚊子弄得我无法入睡。为什么广州的秋天看不到黄叶纷飞,却见雨了呢?什么秋高气爽,怎么我没有一点感觉?树叶没黄,因为五山公寓这里连一棵大点的树都没有,地上的草全黄了,不知是不堪8000多人的践踏还是因为开始它们秋天的新衣,正准备着冬天的休息,然后决定明春再闯一番新事业呢?它们有如此长远的计划,但我却没有,我连明天要干什么,为什么要干,怎么干都不知道。 我没有“I want it that way” instead I have no way in my brain.

The wind is bigger, the rain is heavily, but my brain-storm hasn’t come.我不是幻想家,绝对绝佳的设计理念,甚至我连自己都预测不到。如果要用一种颜色形容今天,一定是灰色,没有重点,没有激越,没有脾气,没有欢乐,什么都没有,“xrspook in the middle”,是一种不死不活,不上不下,不左不右的状态。

今天,是一个同学的生日,昨天努力的查字典,学会了一句西文¡Feliz cumpleceños!—Happy birthday!到此为止第一句为用而学的西文。

Cloudy day, upset me.


I am Used to

By xrspook @ 1:39:13 归类于: 烂日记

As days go by, no matter you like or not, the sun still up and down. The human just as the water, base on the condition and then change their shape. Maybe now, I can base on the life and have changed myself.

I don’t mean I have changed a lot, but it’s enough for me to have a new habit. The classes still 45 min/part; the making machine graphic lessons still have 4 in Monday afternoon. When the classes are over, the light of the sun has been over. I go to have supper in the moon ray. Beside the teaching buildings and our apartments, there is a big comer residence, the lights of that have been turn on. At that time, I don’t know why, I will feel very calm and dram that I am at home. Just the little ray of light makes me think a lot. I still remember, when I was a little child, I also liked to see thousands of lights from citizens’ families, which made me feel happy, especially when I was alone. I like watch human light to the stars in the sky. The stars just let me think about cold and faraway, can’t be touchable. Watching the light from houses, I will dream what will be in my future family. Will it be warm feeling? Will I be happy with my husband and child? And what will us do? Will we be Eating supper or watching TV? In my little brain, just a family can bring warm feeling.

I must control my temper, I can’t complain frequently. Now, just a tiny thing, I used to yell at people. Though it doesn’t mean I am really very angry, yet in strangers’ eyes, I must be a crazy person, and only my friends will know I just take serious, and the form of showing feeling was too violent. I am under control in my heart, but I can’t show others in action, that’s my problem.






By xrspook @ 1:35:18 归类于: 烂日记


我又为danzhuBetty网更新了,一连来了2个post, 因为十月份太忙,当我想在最后两个星期更新的时候又怎么都连不上Bloggerblogger实在太多人用了,无论设备和速度都比不上世界上或者国内的很多写blog的地方,但它有一点是做得很好的就是知道自己因为有太多用户经常不稳定,所以为每一blog都提供了方便的FTP设置,可以使blog架在别的地方而免遭威胁,或因浏览者过多而被封。每个月去更新成了我不成文的责任。


在这一年里我尽心尽力把我搜集到的所有有关Yo soy Betty, la Fea, AMOJEA的东西都放到那里。搜集花去的时间还不算多,更烦我的是怎样把我下载,我拥有,但却不能把下载资源展示的东西放上去给别人下载。由一开始想利用系统原有的上存功能,再到与danzhu联系,让她上存,然后到利用yahoo公文包,最后到现在利用永硕硬盘。可以说,我一直都在为如何把我的视频和大家分享烦恼。身为一个超级fans,我完全理解fans们是如何渴望看到那个网有更新的,因为我曾几何时也是期盼的一员。但原来看到自己有资源,但却苦无办法与大家分享也很烦恼,管理人员也有很烦的一面。一个晚上,5、6个小时都上不了发表文章的时候,自己有能力,有精力,但客观环境不允许,也是一件很烦人的事。

发表的2个post都是有关JEAAnita, no te rajes的东东。第一个的日期我写为2004年10月31日,是以我对Anita, no te rajes剧情叙述为主,加了一个有分集剧照的连接,只有一个主题曲的视频可下载。第二个post是全部由视频组成,一共有十几个视频,都是我辛苦寻找回来的资料。其中还有我用snooper和影音传送带搞下来的Anita, no te rajes片段,可以说是呕心沥血。我知道,当年的danzhu也会像我现在这么疯狂,甚至比我还要疯。她对的是“Yo soy Betty, la Fea”我对的是“Jorge Enrique Abello”。



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