

By xrspook @ 16:57:59 归类于: 想当年的作业


04食品科学与工程(3)班 xrspook 2004360323


Everybody likes beauty, however, maybe sometimes the reality of beauty is far from so perfect, furthermore, it would be harm to us. Such as, its color is red, maybe you will fall in love with it, nevertheless, be careful! Because it has poison from head to toe. It's not the only example in our daily life. When we are not careful enough they will do disservice to us. As a result, let all the people know something about the poison beyond us is very important. In this essay, I will talk about the poison which we meet very often, completing with the plants which maybe we can find in our home or around our houses. I will talk about their shapes, their living environments, the part they have poison, the harm to us and how to pretend ourselves from it. Nature is very plentiful, it produce countless beings, we can reap a lot from them, but at the same time, poison is also everywhere, we must increase our knowledge , then take the advantage of them, instead of fall in to the hell of those beauty. It's very important to promote the consciousness of keeping away from those poisons, so I write this essay.

关键词:有毒植物 观赏 生物学物性 用途 毒性





By xrspook @ 18:00:37 归类于: 想当年的作业


04食品科学与工程(3)班 xrspook 2004360323

1. 印楝 Azadirachia indica

英文名:Neem 属楝科,常绿乔木。

生物学物性:广泛种植于热带、亚热带地区。印楝树高10~25米,分枝早,主干短(少数种源主干较长),冠幅大,枝叶多而密集,根系发达,萌发力强。印楝生长迅速,在条件适合的地方一年生幼树,树高可达6米, 2~3年开花结果,7~8年进入盛果期,每株年产鲜果30~50公斤。果期100年以上。印楝喜温耐旱,无霜或微霜、 年降雨350-1200毫米的地区均可种植,降雨量2400毫米的地方也生长良好。对土壤要求不严格。

应用价值:印楝全身是宝,综合利用价值很高,但在现已开发的20余种用途中,最有价值的还是作为杀虫剂 。印楝是目前世界上公认的最优秀的高效无毒无公害杀虫植物。科学家认为,印楝是一种较完善的植物源生物杀虫剂,它达到了作为杀虫剂所要求的全部标准:对害虫的广谱作用,对天敌的干扰少,对脊椎动物没有毒性,在环境中迅速降解,资源丰富等。

印楝树整株均含印楝素(azadirachtin)等多种杀虫活性物质 ,但种子含量最高。印楝种子仅印楝素的含量一般就高达0.3-0.4%,最高达0.66%。

印楝素可防治10目400余种农林、仓储和卫生害虫。应用印楝素杀虫剂可有效地防治棉铃虫、毛虫、舞毒蛾、日本金龟甲、烟芽夜蛾、谷实夜蛾、 斜纹夜蛾、菜蛾、 潜叶蝇、 草地夜蛾、 沙漠蝗、非洲飞蝗、玉米螟、稻褐飞虱、蓟马、钻背虫、果蝇、未占虫等害虫, 可以广泛用于粮食、棉花、林木、花卉、瓜果、蔬菜、烟草、茶叶、 咖啡等作物,不会使害虫对其产生抗药性。 印楝素杀虫剂施于土壤,可被棉花、水稻、玉米、小麦、蚕豆等作物根系吸收,输送到茎叶,从而使整株植物具有抗虫性。




印楝虽然没有食用价值,但这种树身高大、树皮粗糙的热带速生植物,对于十分炎热的地区用处多多。 其巨大的树荫可以荫蔽其他作物,同时也为人的生活环境 提供片片阴凉。印楝还能作为防风林。在印楝的原产地印度,每隔几座房子就有一棵印楝。印楝的抗碱性、耐旱能力极好,但耐寒性稍差,幼林很难抵御0℃左右的气温。印楝还有一个很独特的特性——其叶子、种子都具有杀虫功效,可以制成消毒剂、杀虫剂。此外,印楝的叶子、种子、树皮、树枝还能入药,可用于制作肥皂、香波、牙膏、药膏和草药等。

2. 轮叶木姜子 Litsea verticillata


生物学物性:生境: 生境:山谷,溪旁,灌丛中,杂木林中;海外分布 : 越南,柬埔寨;国内分布 : 广东,广西,云南 。常绿灌木或小乔木,高2—5米;树皮灰色。小枝近圆柱形,灰褐色,密被黄色长硬毛,老枝褐色,无毛。顶芽卵圆形,鳞片外面密被黄褐色柔毛。叶4—6片轮生,披针形或倒披针状长圆形,长7—22(25)厘米,宽(2)3.5—6(8)厘米,先端渐尖,基部急尖、钝或近圆形,近革质,上面绿色,初时中脉有短柔毛,边缘有长柔毛,下面淡灰绿色或黄褐绿色,被黄褐色柔毛,羽状脉,侧脉每边12—14条,弯曲至叶缘处连结,中脉在叶上面下陷,下面突起,侧脉在上面微突或略平,在下面突起,小脉在下面显著突起;叶柄长2—6毫米,密被黄褐色长硬毛。伞形花序2—10个集生于小枝顶部,总梗长1—2.5厘米,密被黄褐色长柔毛;苞片4—7,近圆形,内凹,外面有灰褐色丝状短柔毛,内面无毛;每一伞形花序有花5—8朵,花淡黄色,近于无梗;花被片通常6,偶有4或7,披针形,外面脊部有长柔毛,花被筒短,外密被灰褐色长柔毛;雄花能育雄蕊9,花丝较长,外露,有长柔毛,第三轮雄蕊基部的腺体盾状心形,无退化雌蕊;雌花子房卵形或椭圆形,花柱细长,柱头大,3裂。果卵形或椭圆形,长1—1.5厘米,直径5—6毫米,顶端有小尖头;果梗粗壮,长5—8毫米,被黄褐色长柔毛;果托碟状,直径约3毫米,边缘常残留有花被片。花期4—11月,果期11月至翌年1月。


3. 朴树 Celtis sinensis

英文名:Nettletree,Hackberry 科名:榆科 Ulmaceae






By xrspook @ 13:54:22 归类于: 想当年的作业


04食品科学与工程(3)班 xrspook 2004360323



但还记得2005-03的《国家地理杂志》(National Geographic)中说到哥伦比亚的内陆大城市麦德林的状况。那就是一个贫富悬殊十分明显的地方,是世界上一个很大的毒品集散地。看到那一张张图片和说明文字我真的触目惊心。城市的一角,2个孩子眼露痛苦无奈的表情;几个光着膀子的男人,他们身上都有不同程度的弹痕和刀伤;一个年轻人躺在血泊之中;一个妇女躺在乱七八糟的床上,她不得不为了生活出卖肉体……但与此同时,上层社会的生活和那些似乎生活在地狱中的人相比有着天壤之别——一个大人正在教2个大概6、7岁的小男孩在非常漂亮的高尔夫球场打球。富人连小孩都要进行高贵运动的专业培训,而社会的底层人士则连生命都得堪忧。这就是实实在在的城市贫富悬殊。这就是那些生活在麦德林的人的生活!麦德林流传有句很经典的话“孩子,要用正当途径赚钱。但如果你做不到,你就用别的方法吧。(Son, get money in an honest way. But if you can’t, get it any way you can.)”。麦德林是哥伦比亚一个十分有名的大城市,但也是世界上有名的暴力横行和毒品交易中心。那些穷人为什么要做毒品生意?他们为什么要加入黑帮游击队?他们为什么要犯罪杀人抢劫?他们为什么要出卖肉体?做这一切,他们就只有一个目的——生存。他们仅仅为了生存而已!为了能吃饱,为了家人能生活得好一点。有一个很经典的图片:近处是一大堆的铁皮屋,密密麻麻,范围遍布好大好大,乱七八糟,而远处则是现代化的高楼大厦,那些象征着文明与科学的建筑,好讽刺,但这就是拉美很多国家的真实写照。这就是十分严重的城市贫富悬殊造成的结果。在地球的另一面,在和中国的接近对角线的地方,城市贫富悬殊已经造成了如此严重的恶果!




What Causes a Boom in Celebrating Foreign Festivals?

By xrspook @ 22:51:00 归类于: 想当年的作业

Recently, celebrating foreign festivals becomes more and more flourish in campus. And what causes such boom?

First, physical environment encourage us to know foreign culture, knowing foreign festivals is the first step. Because of the man-made satellite, the idea of global villages came out and became acceptable. The speed shortens the real distant. Taking advantage of science development, we are by far more encouraged to communicate with others than any other time. All the people in the world just like members in the same family. How can’t we know our neighbors’ culture?!

Secondly, the economy and society spur us to learn foreign culture, learning foreign festivals is just the beginning. Many foreign enterprises have set up plenty of branches companies in China now day. To become one employee of them was the dream of many students. It maybe means high salary. So they do their utmost to learn foreign language. And first of all, they should be familiar of the culture of others countries so the foreign festivals is their first lesson. At the same time, as it's known to all that Beijing will hold the global celebrating Olympic Games in 2008. All of us have responsibilities to warm welcome our friends from aboard; can't you know some culture of them?

As you known, campus is one of the most activity places of a country. University students are always full of creative inspiration. They know more, and they are also eager to explore more. They are happy to accept new ideas, as well as the culture of foreign countries. As a result, celebrating foreign festivals broke out in many campuses and spread out in an unbelievable speed.

In my opinion, such heat is not always 100% good for us, maybe some blindness hiding in it. Most of the time, people don't know why they celebrate that foreign festivals, they just do it as others. They just look celebrating foreign festival as in style things. I’m opposite it. Moreover, I'm afraid without proper directing, one day this celebration will destroy our nationality spirit. Guess, provided a Chinese just know December the 25 is Christmas Day, but don't know what date is Spring Festival, what a shame! Maybe at that day, our nationality was shaking. Of course, this kinds of thought is too severe.

As the flesh blood of 21 century, we should know what should get and what should throw away. Use our knowledge to improve ourselves and help others. At the very beginning, we should find our balance of these things — foreign culture and our traditional civilization. We should look on celebrating foreign festival in a right way and keep our standpoint from the beginning to the end. We could celebrate the foreign festival, but should stop where it should stop.


One True Thing, Deeply Touching Movie

By xrspook @ 11:13:34 归类于: 想当年的作业

The movie One True Thing seemed a little difficult for us to understand; however, when you looked back, you would find you touched by something in fact. The pure love, exterior from the optimistic mother, and interior from the daughter who seemed from head to toe not like to take care of her cancer-stricken mother at the beginning.

At the end, the daughter Kate Gulden changed bit by bit, no matter you had realized or not, but the father George Gulden seemed stand still who looked his teaching was important than everything. This movie did not have a good ending. After watching it, I felt something was in my stomach, I did not know how to describe it.

At the very beginning, I thought Kate was not a good daughter, at least in the eyes of a traditional Chinese, I felt she not filial. In my opinion, my mother is important than anything, no matter what my future will be! I even felt she did not have a good heart even to her parents. So her father George said one sentence which was chosen in some website as quote that is "Your mother needs you, Ellen! Jesus Christ, you got a Harvard education, but where is your heart? “At that time, I swore I couldn’t be that kinds of person all my life. As children of family, we have responsibility to take of our parents; no matter how hard will be, no matter how much we must pay out. Although at some points I am a very open person, at this, I am a very traditional one. I feel the load on my shoulder all the time. Still remember the first meal made by Kate, horrible! That is not a meal but rubbish, nobody could stand it. I do not know why at that moment her mother did not scold at her. As a girl, how could she do such losing face thing in front of the Women's Group? Nevertheless, as you know, maybe that is the grandness of her mother.

Her mother Ellen is an optimistic person. She kept happy everyday, and did her best to make other happy too. Just as the heroine of Graceful Hands, she devoted herself to the society and her family, never asked for return. Sometimes I felt sympathize at her, her daughter did not pay attention at her, so was her husband, maybe just the Women's Group knew her value. Why can her family members do that! I cannot understand, but maybe that is the culture differences between Eastern and Westerns countries, especially between China and America. In China, a good heart is important than anything, however, in America self-value is the most important thing. Nobody will pay attention at you without getting her own benefit. I cannot stand it! Why can they be so cold! When Ellen told Kate "the story of life", I deeply moved.

Ellen said (more or less, I just can remember the summary) even though you hated your husband, you think you cannot tolerant him any more, and you tell yourself you will leave tomorrow. Nevertheless, the next morning, when you wake up, smelling the smell of coffee, and hearing the happy voice of children. Then you realize that even you cannot tolerant, yet you must know that is your life. Moreover, in my opinion that she had the same idea as the traditional Chinese women which they must endure everything because they are mother. They cannot be selfish. Even though having their tough life with their husband, they prefer tolerant.

I think the clue of this movie is the change of feeling. Mother changed from an optimistic person to whiny person because she had to lean on somebody to continue her life. On contrast, her daughter changed her mind from annoying take care her mother to learning to tolerant the tough life. From this changing, we can see the simple life of all the people, the older goes away after teaching the important lesson to the younger, and the younger learn to adapt their life bit by bit.

We are the younger; we should listen to the older. Though they are not right all the time, yet we cannot miss the chance before they can talk to us and tell us the story of their experience. No matter what, listening carefully and paying more attention to them, you must have some benefit. They need us to listen.

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