
The Road of Growing Up (PowerPoint snapshot)

By xrspook @ 23:36:21 归类于: 想当年的作业

其实,这个话剧已经过去2个星期了,还是有念念不忘的感觉, 今天终于收到那个话剧的PowerPoint马上做了截图。关于它的日志,与它有关的日志,让我列一列出来:

The Road of Growing Up (playscript)想当年的作业(它的剧本)
The Road is Ending烂日记(话剧后,我当天的感受)
The Born of the Play Script (publish on weekend)想当年的作业(前个星期的因为剧本形成的英文周记)
Generation Gap can be Changed (for presentation on Thursday)想当年的作业(话剧剧本的英文雏形文章,我写的时候从来没有想过居然部分会变成话剧的一部分)




Am I a Workaholic? (publish on weekend)

By xrspook @ 0:38:57 归类于: 想当年的作业

After learning Unit 7, I always asked myself, "am I a workahoic?" I don't know, but my roommate told me "yes". Really? Sometimes I'm agree with her, but sometimes I don't think so. That's all despended on teh situation I was suffering in.

At this Food Science Engineering, I have classes all day long, even in the evening. From Monday to Thursday, my classes at night are all full. And in teh most terrbile Thursday and Monday, I have 8 classes per day. The situation is more horrible than when I was in senior three. All the classes you have to pay attention to, however, where I can find such power to do so. And the homework is not easy too.

When I wasn't a university student, others told me the life in university was just like having a holiday, had a lot of free time, and could do whatever you wanted. In fact, my experience is far from this. The homework of High Maths, A Course in Physics, Organic Chemistry, English and three experiment reports per week, also, you can't omit the essay of Administration Mangae, Philosophy… After finishing them, what other strength you will still have. Just finishing them in time is not easy. Who says the university students have no homework, whereas, the homework of them can make you crazy, or even want to suiside. Under such homework loading, can't I be a workaholic? Unfortunately, I just can be a slave of homework. Because I didn't want to give up, so I insist on stuggling in them, as a result, I have to spend all my spare time to do it. So, when personal time comes, I always put all my heart in doing homework. Is any wrong about that?

If you understand me well, you will know, I 'm a person who take serious to my friends and coordination, as well as team work. I personally think, teh friends and happiness are the most important things, and I could forgive anything else including study for them. I know how to stop to play, and even always do my best to squeeze time to relax. At his point, am I a workaholic?

Study is important, but others are more important than that, we should learn how to keep balance between them.


Is Failure a Bad Thing? (publish on weekend)

By xrspook @ 8:48:09 归类于: 想当年的作业

Even the greatest personality will make some wrong dicisions. As a result, failure is very common to everybody. The lucky Godness won't always comes with you.

I failure a bad thing or good thing? Many people have plenty of different opinions about it. Some of them will think that failure really hurt them, comsequantly, they will fall down and never stand up again at that point. Of course, these person won't think failure is a good thing. On the other hand, the optimistic person will always believe, the failure is just a reward, however, the most important thing is the process. He had enjoyed the process, that's enough. Or they will have a excuse to themselves that the failure is the mother of success.

In my opinion, we should know how to face failure in a right angle. First of all, we should find out the reason of our failure, and then do some anglytical research get some experience. This realistic thing can make sure that we won't fail at the same point next time. Meanwhile, most of time, we can't be so calm and do this scientific thing. We can't omit the negative feeling naturally. So at that time, we should learn how to recover ourselves. Though someone will laugh at us that we are just cheating ourselves, yet who will still look you down when you are sucessful next time. If you can control you emotion very well, you must be a strong person.

In a word, I personally think, failure can be a bad thing or good thing, and the final decision is made by yourself. "A man can be destroyed but can't be defeatd." With strong ambition, the failure can break it down? So, failure couldn't be a bad thing to a optimistical man.



By xrspook @ 10:14:48 归类于: 想当年的作业


2020年11月4日 星期五 小雪








The Road of Growing Up (playscript)

By xrspook @ 13:49:00 归类于: 想当年的作业

The Road of Growing Up

(Aside: This story is made up of 4 steps of our true life, and it become the road of our growing up, enjoy it! First, please watch the Dramatis Personae.)

Scene1: Candy (in nursery school) and Father
Scene2: Candy (in primary school), teacher, Candy's father
father A, father B
Scene3: Candy(in middle school), little brother, mother, father
Scene4: Candy(in university), father, mother

Scene1. Nursery school
(Aside: The father and the daughter are by the sea. Facing the blue sky . And the daughter thinks out some questions.)

Candy: Dad, you see, the sky is blue, and look at that, the sea is blue too, why all the things are blue? Tell me why!!!
Dad: That's because…(background song: Le Papillion [ask and answer between grandfather and child])

Scene2. Primary school
(Aside: As time goes by, the little child is growing up, now she has become a pupil.)

Part one:
(Aside: At teacher's office)
Candy: (knock at the door)
Teacher: Come in.
Candy: (Come to teacher, beside the teacher's desk.)
Teacher: Candy, what's wrong with you?! I don't think you would have such score!
Candy: Oh… I'm sorry…(lowering her head, biting her mouse, pulling the clothes)
[Think: (Aside: Oh, terrible! How to tell Dad and Mom? What can I do…)]

Part two:
(Aside: During the Parent-Teachers meeting, one father looks every angry, and he is complaining something to himself.)
Father A: Just need one more point, one more point…(complaining, when watching his school report card)
Father B: What's the matter?
Father A: Hey…! One more point and my kid would have full mark!
Father B: Yes, yes. What a pity! So did my son.(moan)
Father a: What about your daughter?
Candy's father: (watching the score of the test paper [show on the project]) … So, so. (Mobile phone ring) Excuse me. (Leave quickly.)

Part three:
(Aside: Candy's father is home, with great angry.)
Candy: (watching her favorite cartoon, and laughing happily)
Father: (Walk towards the TV set, and turn it off. Watching Candy directly with great angry.)
Candy: (Feel very afraid)
Father: (Walk toward Candy, put the test paper rudely onto the desk.) Stupid!!! (Watch her for a second and leave)
Candy: (First watch her father, and then lower her head. When father leaves, she bends over and crying herself.)
(Voiceover: A sad music come out…)

Scene 3. Middle school
(Aside: The girl is growing up, has her new friends her own thought.)

Part one:
(In the street, Candy and her male classmate are arguing about something. Just at that time, Candy's little brother pass by [playing gameboy], unconsciously see this situation, surprise for a while, and running home with sinister smile.)

Part two:
(Aside: Little Brother comes to home.)
Mother: (cleaning the table)
Brother: (running to her with blow and happy, say secretly to his mother) Mom, I saw Candy shopping, and… With her boyfriend!!!
Mother: (very astonish, and then frown)
Brother: (leave)
Mother: (Say to herself, thoughtfully) Recently, Candy always wastes a lot of time on QQ! (Worry)

Part three:
(Aside: At Candy's room, mother is peeping Candy's QQ records. [The QQ record appear on the screen…] At that time, Candy comes in.)
Candy: Mom, what are you doing?! Why checking my QQ record! You are stealing my secret!!!
Mother: (seriously) you have a boyfriend?
Candy: What?
Mother: Who's he?!
Candy: I don't know what you mean!
Mother: (angry) You make me so disappoint!
Candy: Me too!!! (Contumacy)
Mother: (give her a blow)
Candy: (Cover the face, stamp her foot, and run out of home)

Part four:
(Aside: Mother and father are very worry all that night. The next morning, Candy comes back.)
Candy: (Open the door)
Father and Mother: (come towards her with great worry)
Father: (worry and angry) where have you been!!! A girl didn't come home is very dangerous! We are worried about you! Don't you know…
Candy: OK, that's enough. You're monster! None of your business, you can't manage my private thing!!! Don't trouble me anymore! (go to her room and shut the door)
(Aside: Parents pace up and down out of her room, very worry, but have no idea to their daughter.)

Scene 4. University
(Aside: The child shut her mouth solidly, and didn't want to communicate to her parents anymore. As a result, the generation gap comes out.)

Part one:
(Aside: During the military training, Candy found she needs something very urgent, so she calls her Mom.)
Candy: (phone her mother)
Mother: Yes?
Candy: Bring the #$%^&*~#$% this afternoon, I need them! Be quick!
Mother: #$%^&*~#$%, OK! Anything more? Could you adapt the life?
Candy: So, so. I have no time, that's all (do…do…do…[hang the phone rudely])

Part two:
(Aside: That afternoon, her parents come, with unimaginable lots of things. Candy got it without a thank, leaves. Her parents leave with very tired body, mother is coughing. At that moment, Candy finds she still need one more thing, so she turns around at once. Just at that time, she wakes up to her parents are so small and weak. They also need her to care about.[Tear is revolving in her eyes.])

(Aside: The generation gap is not made by our parents but ourselves. We dig the gap, meanwhile, we can recover it as well. Use all our heart, feel at their angles, and we'll know how to make it! [show on the screen: 其实"代沟"不是长辈们的错,我们有想过我们自己的态度吗?也许,"沟"不是他们挖的,而是我们亲手"掘"的。我们其实有能力把它填上,而用来填的物质就是我们的心,换位思考一下,你就知道该如果填补这个"沟"了。])

(All) Through this play we hope you get something, and remind something. Please
think about it. Thank you!

Curtain call.

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