
Some Knots In My Stomach

By xrspook @ 0:46:35 归类于: 烂日记

Because of tomorrow sports meeting, I couldn’t go home today. It’s really an extremely good chance. Because of 0.5point, I miss a golden chance. After three weeks we will have tennis test, but now I couldn’t control my ball, as I liked. And the most terrible thing was I had to have 800-metre race test next week or the week after the next week. 800-metre is my biggest knot. Every time I afraid of it very much. Maybe for it’s terrible process, it just continual a few minutes, but during this time I will just like going to the hell and then coming back, the bad feeling can’t describe by words. All the muscles of your body are very tired, and your breath heavily, each breath you can feel the pain from your nose, you mouse, your trachea and your lung. Your body no matter inside or outside is in a more unconformable state. And then after the nonhuman 4 minutes, I will like catch a terrible cold for a week. So I like all the sport except 800-metre race, I can’t stand that horrible feeling. So now, I began to be afraid that test, though I know I must past or get a full mark, I really hate that test.


可恶可恶,今天晚上听的又是那个党委的“梁主任”。军训期间已见识过他说话的厉害,普通话极端不准,说话长气得无法形容,今天又是他经典的“今天我们的话题就从这里开始”,此时,全场04大一新生都发出了起哄,回想一个月前军训期间在开大会的时候,以为他要说完,谁知说了这句话,使我们掉进了深渊……虽然环境不同,但我们还心有余悸,惊弓之鸟嘛,心有感触。这个讲座本来是有0.2分,但我们的学术手册还没到,以为可以来拿,谁知其他人都有,今天又要上交才有0.2分,这不是耍我们吗?扣留了我们的手册,又搞到我们白坐2个半小时,很讨厌,决定明晚一定不去开它的会员大会,哼,give you some colour to see see(胡说)。

How can I solve my knot?



By xrspook @ 0:17:35 归类于: 烂日记

There is two days to our school meeting. This morning I saw my name on the athletes’ list of our college in the end. To my surprise, I would attend in 100-metre race instead of shot, which was my class item, I loss in that my proudest item, but won in the first attempt item. What a great surprise! Though I thought my running was not to bad. You can see, just finished running and start throwing at once, how could I get a good mark! Or how could I show my normal level.

机械制图,又是昏昏欲睡,不是老师太沉闷,也不是我不用心,而是……昨天晚上的“被窝作业”真痛苦,连做作业也要偷偷摸摸(因为晚上11:30就要关灯,但作业还没做好)。从昨天开始,blog的“烂日记”开始一半英文一半中文,虽然洋不洋鬼不鬼的,但用全英语表达日常生活真的很好玩,就如开始用中文写blog那样, 心里想写与实际写的不一样,要不就写不出,要不就词不达意,好好笑。

There is so “funny” that Maoism lessons and the Food & Science summary lessons both said a famous sentence that made by Chairman Mao “The political power are made from the gun.” The politics lessons told about this thing were not so strange, but the food specialty lessons also told about it was so funny.

Tonight I had to go to college building to have my sports games mobilize meeting. It’s so boring, just said the same thing. I couldn’t believe that they said the sports meeting would be very large and professional, but it even wouldn’t have running up machines, and asked the athletes who would run under 400-metre must squat when starting. How can they do that? What’s professional!!! Just a normal P.E. test, just a small middle school or in a very bad primary schools, they would have such simple machines. What’s my university? South China Agriculture University is really Outdate stuff. Before the meeting, they also gave me my invitation, just like it’s a very important things and it’s very proud thing.



English Daily-Power Up

By xrspook @ 23:42:07 归类于: 烂日记

Terrible me! Today I arrived at the classroom at 7:00 AM, at that time just two people there. There’s something wrong with me. Just like yesterday, I did some English exercises and then read “Español Moderno” read English and Español really made me very spiral during the two chemical classes. At the break of the classes I read Español, it’s really very efficient to me, so that I could put all my heart in listening to teacher.


Then I went to practice tennis. Just to find a place, it cost a lot of time. The boys who played terrible football, if I still went there had taken the best place; I just wanted to kill myself. To find a place, we attempted for several places, at last I practiced in the road of A3 and A4. Pat the ball against the wall, I had to pick and pat, just repeated the same movement. But it was still not good enough; it’s always higher or lower, the right ball just appeared 10%. But I must practiced, I didn’t want to be shouted by the tennis teacher for “You haven’t take back your tennis pat, you haven’t finish the action” or “Don’t play too energetically!” (Because it’s really dangerous, will intimidate him or others safe, all of this I have said in my earlier daily.) I must let him and others see my real power, I must give them a great show, let them jealous me! Ha! ha!

今天决定用英汉同时写blog,因为没有太多的时间说英语,只有这样。至于语法错误什么的我就不管了,管TM的。 也去了“百佳”,百佳里没花钱,出了百佳M(Mcdonald)就花掉了17.5,吃麦辣鸡腿汉堡超级套餐,好久没吃了,一年都没吃了,可能因为华农的湘川菜的锻炼,我再也不觉得那以前劲辣的包辣了。

It’s just a start. What will happen if I write all the dailies in English?



By xrspook @ 23:13:08 归类于: 烂日记






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