
Advantagre of Computer(for debate)

By xrspook @ 22:54:29 归类于: 想当年的作业

The advantages of computer today are too many to count. It is changing our daily life day by day. Think about it, if we live without computer, what will happen? It's known to all, our classes are using computer and other media. Without computer, the teachers must shout to us evevry class, and they must use chalk, you know, the dust of chalk is not good for all of us. Computer let us learn easily and activity, it's convenient for us to study.

Such is human nature, that all of us want to be lazy. Because of the same thought, the world is developing. If you can go to a place by car, will you still on foot? Auto eletric machine changes our life, and all of these we must thank to the develpoed of computer. Our life become more and more convenient, that's the meritorious deers of computer. Without computer, the factories have to break down, and the mordern technical industry won't come out!

Can you live without computer? The computer and internet have become an important part of our life. Take me as example, I have my own website, and every weekend I will go home and write a lot of essays on it. I can let many people to read my arcticles and share my feeling. Without computer, must I write to some media and endless waiting their publication? At the same time, we can learn a lot from computer, all kinds of information can be searched easily. We just need to do some easy operation, instead of losing ourselves in books's ocean to find what we need! In my opinion, till now, computer s the fastest way to find information.

Computer also let us communicate more often. QQ, MSN message, Yahoo message, I think you guys won't feel strange to them. They almost become a unbreakable part of your computer life. But have you realize, till you start your QQ life, you have communincated many more than before? Without visual barrier, you can easily start your comversation with strangers. Do you know your skill of communication have improved? Because of computer, we can make our friendship over continent and ocean, I have a spanish friend, that's because of internet and computer.

Computer is very patient. He will obey all your orders, without complain anything. Through all kinds of sofeware we also cna develop our various porfessinal skills.

From computer, we can enhance our self-cognition, and the operation exchange with it also help us to develop confidence. It makes us understand a lot from the world.

After all, to computers advantage, can you negative anymore?!



By xrspook @ 21:21:36 归类于: 烂日记

一觉醒来,感觉很好,疼的地方不疼,累的人不累,是一个出游的好时机。通宵的电脑,eMule已经完全下载2个文件,分别是Anita, no te rajesCapítulo 51&5,不过两个.rar文件都是下载完毕,但是Part文件状态为:磁盘空间不足,因此无论如何都接受不到文件,我都不知如何是好。今天早上已经试过关掉重开eMule N次,但并不能解决问题,直到现在问题都是没有解决。肉到嘴边就是吃不了,好郁闷。


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