
Tomorrow maybe Another Day

By xrspook @ 13:10:31 归类于: 烂日记

Tomorrow, the teaching judge group will come to SCAU to start its 7 days judgement. The school has prepared for 5 years fo this judge ment. But you know, the unthinkable thing is SCAU had 5 times o fsuch judgement before, and all of these, it had the same resule -fail. I know I don’t have a good heart to say it will fail again, but that’s the truth.

SCAU just did a lot fo contribution currently. All the actions show to us means its “临急抱佛脚”. All the words about it had done its best to prepare for 5 years is a great lie. No one will believe evern the most foolish one. 它的行为是正宗的“跌左落地拿番zha砂”。As I am a part of it, I can’t feel any proud. And many of us believe the true is that SCAU will became its old face-bumpkin, after this judgement. The changes just a built-up scenery, a part of the judgement show.

Tomorrow, the judgers will come, and maybe a great chance for us to complain, if they can’t find out the true. It’s time for SCAU to get its result of what it has done. Good or bad? I don’t know, I have no ability to judge, but if I must say, there’s no double of that it must be …

Yesterday, the tennis teacher did a very funny example to us. He pretended some students’ movement. He stood up highest as possible as he can, and then moved in some litte step, at the same time he said to us, the movement just liked the swan in ballet. So perfect, not only the movement and his face, and it really was some people’s movement when they were practising. How can he played the part so real!从动作到语言到表达都把整个错误动作表现出来,真的厉害!以他的搞笑能力和动作语言表达能力,中国一大批的专业演员要下岗了。

今天依然不可回家,包括明天,后天,我为电脑狂。也许明天或后天我又要去网吧打日记了,看我的感觉吧。想不到中国真的有人用eMule下载Yo soy Betty, la Fea, 在danzhu的留言本还在的时候没有人说出来,如今,终于主动发邮件给我了“连连”,一个熟悉又陌生的名字,除了dl125, danzhu考拉,就没有其他的中国fans与我用邮件沟通了,她(他)是第4个。


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