
Serve the Ball

By xrspook @ 3:40:00 归类于: 烂日记

Thank goodness, though the weather was not so good, yet it didin't rain till now. So I could have my tennis classes. I know my roommate don't like them at all, every of them even want to do nothing with P.E.. Though my father at this part is a idiont, and my mother don't know how to teach me do it, yet from a child, I like sports, no matter what kinds (except 800-metre-race), and want to do my best in each of them. Every of them is my good friend, though in fact, I'm no very good at them.

In my opinion, sports means sports, the reason of have them is very pure, I like it so I do it, or I don't know how to play it so I choose it. It maybe can loose the weight and keep fit, I never care about its benenfit. And sports must bring soaked through wih swear, and will be very tired, I pay no attention at it, if you lose yourself in it, the only thing you can feel just the happiness which come from them. You focus inside so all the outside feeling become unimportant things.

Today, we learned serve the ball. How striking the movement will be if we really do a good job. The match, the first point is stating with "serve the ball". Still remember the charming movement in "Australian Open", all the payers are the sharp point at that moment. The ball of serve by RDK, so perfect!!! It's the combination of power and esthetics.

And the teacher began. Hold the ball and pat in front of you, at the same time, the left foot stand behind the bottom line in 45°,and the right foot behind the left foot, the distant of them is a little wider than the shoulder. The next step is the ball and the pat(the hands hold them) move in a "w"(Maybe that is why the famous come from.), from higher place to lower place and then higher again, and higher than the first time. The ball will automatic in to the sky, and if your skill is good, it will move in a uprightness line, also, if you want the ball become high enough for you to kick it, that must have power within; the hand hold the pat move to behind the back, you must bent the elbow, at the same time, the feet don't move, but your body must keep balance automaticly. The last step is kick the ball, of course, we now don't have match, so we can't use so much power if we want our partner can catch it. The end movement is the pat automatic blow to the left down side if you are a right hand user.

That's all I want to say.






现在手机的操作系统换成了英文,开始不习惯,因为可恶的motorala如果操作换成英文那么短信中就不存在中文输入。换了已经4天了,型号基本没什么短信。不过不用不知道一用吓一跳,原来有个叫“Smart Input”(智能预测法)的东西很好用,在输入英文的饿石油可以自动分析,单词自动出来了,不用“ABC Input”(ABC输入法)那样狂按还会按错。我傻B啊!那么好用的东西如果不是强逼自己用英文界面还不知道!!!




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