

By xrspook @ 21:02:00 归类于: 回忆录


首 先问题起源于我们第四排今天应该去拿体育器材(球拍和网球),但管器材的阿姨却一直在忙于做其他的东西,站了好久好久都没有反应,最后我终于没有办法了, 终于开口叫她先给我们拿器材。她先是有点愕然,是“茹老师的网球课吗?”那还用说?于是我们就拿走了器材,但她有点惊讶的表情实在令人摸不着头脑。

去 到运动场,一堆女生围这一个穿黑色衣服的人,奇怪,我们的老师从来不穿黑色,因为黑色吸热,如果上那么多场网球课都穿黑色吸热真的死人了,早就中暑了。而 且为什么那个人身高好像?而且没戴帽子,怎么……不妥啊!而且当时已经是过了下午2:30,我们还慢吞吞,早就被老师“催”了,但……走近一看,果然不 妥,不是我们的老师,身材完全不同,而且年龄也大了好多。首先我的心里就产生了抗拒。然后他就在乱叫“今天是谁拿球拍啊?……第四排?我限你们在1分钟之 内把球拍拿回来!”我心里一股怒气涌出来了,岂有此理,他是瞎子啊!这么都看不到,于是就马上冲着他大喊:“在那边!”心里就大骂“他白痴啊!”恨他的感 情加深。今天应该是考试的,好容易天没有下雨,如果他考,那标准不知道怎么办,而且他好像什么都没有拿,怎么考?果然,客串的他不考试,叫我们“对抗 赛”,¥%5677~#¥%他他有毛病啊!对抗赛,如果我们真的有能力就不用一大堆考试不及格啦!!!!!浪费我们的时间。我看都不看他,丑死了。

他 还要问“有谁打得好啊?有水能和教练打10拍以上……”,虽然我可以,我们其中的一些人也可以,但显然他是要以这件事来奚落我们同时还有我们的老师。即使 我可以,我也绝对不会说出来。然后他就在吹,入网球校队如何如何困难和光荣,我chao,你是网球校队教练又怎么样,我不妥你就不妥你!然后就是在嘲笑我 们这帮女生连最基本的网球知识也没有!我chao,你以为我傻B啊!我看了那么多场的奥网,世界的顶级赛事,我连这些都不知道,但我要撑,我要保持沉默, 然后在必要时爆发。


正 当开始“对抗赛”的时候,下雨了,一堆女生就躲在大伞下避雨,雨也不大,就是无论如果也打不了,过了一会儿,雨停了,他说“可以开始了”然后雨马上又下了 起来,接着连续三次都是这样。以为可以走人了,因为这样的课上下去也没有意思。谁知,出太阳了。我们还没有开始“对抗赛”他就已经躲到了一间无论如何都看 不到我们的屋子里脱了鞋子,翘起脚,吹着风扇,看电视。看到着一切,我真的想拿起拍子就正面给他一下!!!!100%的不负责任!!!!!!!不过如果我 一下不能把他打死或打晕,我就有麻烦了,所以,只能把气压在心里。我迟早会give him some color to see see。


理 论上是把一个40人的班分为每7,6人1组,然后就开始1个人分别和6个人或5个人对打。不过最恨他的是他所谓的赏罚制度,输赢加起来还是输的要罚,输一 场就10个虎卧撑,两场就20,如此类推。所以最疯狂的是60个。我发誓,如果那个老师能做出60个标准的虎卧撑,我就跟他姓!

于是我的 心情极差。除了骂人,除了打人,我什么都不想干。根本无法打好球。最后还有15分钟下课了,我们那组刚好7个人,就是每个人都要和其余6个人打,可以做出 3:3的效果,经过一番努力,终于搞定。你要这样搞我,我就要“以其人之道,还制其人之身”,就说我们那组全部3:3,你拿我怎样。开始也不知道自己的数 学那么牛,但在危机的时候多少的常识原来真的可以和他抗衡!

他问我们那组是多少比分的时候,我们说全部3:3,他就马上打出不相信的表情,但又同时哭笑不得,的确有这个概率,但真的很低,我分明是作的,你拿我怎样。于是他就以为他自己的Monk, 马上就可以让我们穿帮,他马上问我,因为我站在七个人的中间第一排,他问“你赢谁了,赢多少了?”我来了个天不怕地不怕,耍无赖的样子,我怎么记得,是一 号记,我什么都不知道,然后一号就递出我们刚才已经研究得半点不差的“纪录纸”给他。分明是耍他,分明是推搪他,但那又怎样!吹咩!于是他又问第二排…… 最后他叫,谁赢了3场以上的举手,我们第一排一律不举手,然后他就气急败坏地说,你们为什么不举手!我的回答是,我们是赢了3场,没有赢3场以上,怎么举 手!他有点气疯了,但又无可奈何,还是重复了一次“赢了三场以上的举手”我们还是一个不举。于是他又说,三场以上包括3场,你不知道吗?你#¥% ¥……%543!#¥#%,于是我就理直气壮地说,你说“以上三场”显然就不包括三场啦!你的意思是大于三场,不是大于等于三场,然后他也被我气地无话可 说了,于是,就说“赢3场的也举手”与此同时,他就走到后面去看看其他人了,我就大声叫“大于3场什么意思都不懂,你学过数学吗!!!”我分明就不顺他, 要跟他作对,吹咩!他无可奈何,罚不到一个同学,只好下课。








Leaving Home and Going Abroad(publish on weekend)

By xrspook @ 20:03:57 归类于: 想当年的作业

A lot of people think that the moon is rounder in other places than at home, however, the fact is the glass is no always grener on the other side. Study or living abroad maybe not the best choice for us.

Leave our hometown where have been lived in for a long time, and have to say goodbye to all the friends and parents, go to a brand new place alone. That won't be a good feeling.

But why we must go abroad? Because of the better study environment? But the Chinese culture and literature are board enough. Because of the good life? When we are in foreign country, we are just emigators, we can't omit the indirect glance frome others. Though we are full of knowledge and skillful, it's still a hard way to make foreigners to accept us as well. In my opinion, let others accept you is more difficulty than you adjust to the new sociey.

However, even though this thing stand still, plenty fo people prefer to leave and go to new places. In the past, I just found their advantage, how wonderful they will be! But now, I recognize more negative than that. The weather, the food, the language, the customes, and soon, all the thing they have to adjust to. With so many new challeages, do they ever want to give up, and find the have made a wrong descision? However, all that negative feeling we won't know. They just can hide all of this in their heart, no one can listen their difficulty carefully, because they are thouand kilmeters away.

Face the challeage and then manage to overcome it is good, but if not, what'll happened? It's no easy to take care of himself without any help,especially when one is sick.

Many parents choose the way of studying abroad for their children, it really can make them independent, however, it still a little crul to me. At the same time, if the only child of the family leaves her/his parents here and goes abroad alone to make a bright future for herself/himself, I aslo can't stand it, I can't escape from the scold at my heart.


Gray Day

By xrspook @ 19:49:01 归类于: 烂日记

Do you know how gray today!!!

In this season, yesterday it didn't rain, too many clouds in the sky, and the pressure of the air is very high. If this situation doesn't change in a while, the result will be that all the people feel unconfortable.

Though today is thursday, and the afternoon is coming. I won't have time to let it rain at once, and dry again in an hour. Maybe, the only result is I must stand this kind of weather or it rain and the tennis classes be cancelled. I have no choice, I just can choose the first one, raining is not a good thing to me and to the people haven't passed in tennis test. Conflict is in my mind. And still have another good change, that is suddenly have a big wind, blowing away the clouds, and let the pressure lower. However, this kind of thing seem impossible except the God really know my thinking and this essay.

When I am writing the wind below, the curtain is really flying again and again, and never stop, jsut like obey my words. Mircale, isn't it?

Almost every Thursday noon, I have a short time to communicate with God. Is he free now, and has time to listen to a nobody? No matter whether or not, I will trite my diray as well. At this time, I found I would wish a lot of things. Most of them were about the weather. I don't know why, maybe unconsciously I think the God cna control it well than others, and I can't do any of it, so I hope he can help me. All ot my wish is good and up, I never want to hurt anybody. I just ask for justin and sunny, under that things, I hope the world can be better.

Whether I will be in trouble or tired is not important, the most important thing is it must be right thing, and be good for most people. About the examination, we can't escape, if we really do ti, we just tell lies to ourselves.

Why not face it directly?

Gray day, it really a gray day, but I believe, the God know how to make it.

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