
Too Early:)

By xrspook @ 18:43:00 归类于: 烂日记

Today, I had physcial chemiscal experiment at 8:00AM in the main part of SCAU. So I got up before 6:00AM, as a result, I arrived there too early.

I reached SCAU at 7:00AM, and then went to have breadfast, however, even so early, I met a flood of people at canteen – militerry training one – fleshmen. The militery training began yesterday, it’s tough for fleshmen as well as us. Do you know why? Every time you went to canteen – a flood of people. They are all in green, and wet from head to toe, of course, you can see, smelly wil go with they. And the situation is they just like having a battle with you. And the fruit fo battle is who can eat first and what you can choose to eat.

Last year, at the same time, I was a fleshman, I couldn’t understand why the older would be afraid of us (fleshman), however, I really understand now. Seeing the sence of the "green army" emerging into canteen, I feel horrible. I want to escape from it, but I can’t, because no matter what I’m a human beings that I have to eat. This is just a beginning, they will have militery training for two weeks, so you will understand I must endure this thing for how long.

Complaining so much, I think it’s time to stop, why not talking about the physcial chemical experiment this morning.

The experiment was easier than the chemical one, the physical one and the biochemical one. I means the way of experiment is very easy, But the principle of it is the same – you don’t know, you won’t know and you don’t need to know. The datat caculation was very complex. You will be wrong very easily.

The teacher of my physical chemical teacher is also a male. He seems very cute, no matter what, it seems he is better than my physical chemical teacher who teach my theory. At least, I could hear what he said. The experiment today was not so bad, in my opinion.

I have physical chemistry homework now, so, it’s time to stop.

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