

By xrspook @ 21:15:49 归类于: 烂日记





1977年5月生,博士,讲师。2000年起先后就读于中山大学化学与化学工程学院物理化学专业和有机化学专业,2005年获得博士学位,于同年分配至华南农业大学食品学院工作至今。主要研究的领域为食品安全、生物有机和药物化学,攻读硕、博士期间主要从事流体分子动力学、超临界流体技术及其应用、天然产物有价成分的分离提取、基于天然产物的有机小分子药物的合成及生物活性研究等研究工作。主要承担或参与《食品与发酵工业分析》、《食品分析与食品化学综合试验》、《食品仪器分析》、《食品理化检验及感官评定》等课程的讲授工作。参加国际合作项目,国家自然科学基金等多项,已在《Tetrahedron》、《European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry》、《Tetrahedron Letters》、《Chinese Chemical Letters》等刊物上发表论文多篇,其中6篇论文被SCI收录。







A Whole Day in Experiment

By xrspook @ 21:38:57 归类于: 烂日记

A whole day (about 12 hours) in laboratory! I am almost crazy now! I really had a good beginning; however I couldn’t keep the luck to the end. Maybe the gray weather and the little cold air affected me. I don’t know what happened, I have repeated this log for three time, just because some little impossible mistakes.

This morning, we did our food microbiology experiment first. That’s funny, and perhaps I used all my luck at that time. Our class was divided into 8 teams, and I am in team 6. Our teacher separated 3 missions to us, and my team did the easiest one. We just needed to scale the powder of culture medium which is called Gause’s Synthetic Agar, and then dissolved it completely in boiling water, at last moved the liquid into flask and encapsulated it, that’s all! Compared with others, we were the most effortless! They should scale a lot of material and then cooked them for a long time. I never expected I would have such a pressure beginning in food microbiology experiment.

After that, we went to search some information about our papers of food in floor three. That’s the most unfortunately time today, my flash disk was infected by computer virus! I had never had such experience before! Just now, my Kaspersky Anti-Virus had killed it. It’s a Trojan virus. The phenomenon of infected this virus is that there will be a .txt files in your flash disk, however, you can’t open it, and when you deleted it, it will appear again, and in others names! Those names are all some sensitive words. And I even wanted to format the disk to remove the entire virus, but it didn’t work! Just Anti-Virus software can solve such problem.

The food chemistry experiment in afternoon was terrible. Most of the time, we were waiting, I waited our life in that classroom, I don’t’ think that can be a good feeling.

I should stop now; I should have a good rest, and then face my two experiment reports!

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