
Be Alone

By xrspook @ 18:21:11 归类于: 烂日记

Because of some incorrect decision the past, China has to carry out birth control since 1980s. Maybe the people around I have to fall in the same situation — have to be alone. We have no brother or sister, after the parents have gone to work, we have to be solitary.

I was learning the essay "Choose to Be Alone on Purpose" in the English class today. It’s talking about the people devote himself to loneliness, and are very enjoy that moment. During reading, I was really confused. They did their best to get away from others in purpose, in this way to inspirit their feel especially for poets and philosophers. They create atmosphere to be alone, however, I have to face the solitude by myself time after time. Why? Can’t they enjoy the day with family or friends? It’s very happiness that you have someone to talk to. What the poets they write for? The Nature? The theory of life? Without people to share the poets or theory, all of them will lose their shine, and become no use. In short, I personally thinking that we don’t work for God or ourselves, we live for others. The reason we still here in the world is to make it better for others. Can’t we get away from them?!

In my opinion, though many people were alone, they are divorced, widowed or even live in the woods which is far from other. They are not solitude. Solitude is a feeling that you feel very depress because of alone. No body wants to be solitude, for that’s a bad emotion for us. Nevertheless, we could enjoy the moment when we are alone. For this, we could stretch out our soul until it fills up the whole room, and use your freedom, coming and going as you please without apology.

As everybody known, the population of the earth was blooming, the place of everybody was reducing second by second. Could you find a place where you are alone? In such situation, did the poets and philosophers can think out and new idea anymore? We should change as time goes by.

Solitude is not where we expected to be, but for the time being we might as well go home. Anyway, there is no place like home.


Don't be Silly, Please!

By xrspook @ 18:35:13 归类于: 烂日记

Today is the fifth week of this semester, so it means after this today, the food microbiology classes will appear just once a week, however I don’t know why I can’t feel any happiness from it. Yesterday, I didn’t a thing that I had never done before — selling myself, showing my shining point in front of others. Before that, I had no idea about being appreciated because my selling. Yet, I made up my mind to do it. I was surely that when I did it, I was full of confident, and never thought I would lose. There is no phenomenon that I would lose! Nevertheless, it happened! Maybe I should evaluate myself completely again. In my opinion, in some point I had done my best, I thought I was better than others, but, it’s just the idea of myself. What a shame! I did it: http://top10.blogbus.com/logs/2006/12/1084349.html, and I lose it. Hey girl, don’t be silly, please! There is nothing you should forgive; you have done a great job now! You should believe that you are the best, no matter what the others think! You’re blog was not showing here: http://top10.blogbus.com/logs/2006/03/2098917.html you must be here: http://top10.blogbus.com/ one day!

I think my food chemistry experiment teacher have talked about useless a lot today. The thing we had just learned from the theory class of food chemistry he repeated them again. Because of this, he didn’t have enough time to teach us the thing we should reap in the very class. Hey, my teacher, don’t be silly, please! From such kinds of thing, we could see, the communication between teachers was far from enough. They should know well that what other teacher have taught, in this way, we could save a lot of time, and their job would be easy, too. The teacher of food chemistry experiment and the teacher of food chemistry are in the same food college, and even in the office beside each other. It seems that the geography gap is not the most important problem; they should be close to in their mind!

A bad news, and a criticism, that’s the story of this day. Hope both of us won’t be silly again.


Can't We Enjoy?!

By xrspook @ 17:10:07 归类于: 烂日记

I can’t understand why there will be so many pains exist,even though when you pay all your heart in it. In my opinion, they’re lying, because I will feel nothing if I lose all my heart in something. Maybe after that, the pain will strike me severely, for I don’t know when to stop.

It’s the characteristic that they do everything effectively, and they hate others do some thing that will waste time. They don’t like wait, however, they are too quick, and so they have to wait in many situation. Sometimes I think I can’t stand anymore that in such a low speed, yet the real life tells me I have to do it again and again. I don’t like pour out my feeling to others, because I’m afraid whether it will hurt them unconsciously. My words always sting something, but I really didn’t mean to. I can keep quiet more than your imagination, because I don’t want to speak and I don’t know what I should speak.

Every Thursday, each badminton classes, I can’t have a good end. I don’t how would she have so may pain. From head to toe, perhaps some new pains will exist next time. I really had no moon to play with such a partner. From my point of view, her heart had gone away. You can’t make up any enthusiasm with her. So I kept silence, even though I spoke to her, she just would became more down. She didn’t know how to cheer herself up, instead of was good at make herself more and more down. I’m sure that, in that situation, she was not enjoying badminton a bit. Can’t we enjoy it?! Why in such low emotion all the time?

I hate this low emotion!!!!!


A Whole Day in Experiment

By xrspook @ 21:38:57 归类于: 烂日记

A whole day (about 12 hours) in laboratory! I am almost crazy now! I really had a good beginning; however I couldn’t keep the luck to the end. Maybe the gray weather and the little cold air affected me. I don’t know what happened, I have repeated this log for three time, just because some little impossible mistakes.

This morning, we did our food microbiology experiment first. That’s funny, and perhaps I used all my luck at that time. Our class was divided into 8 teams, and I am in team 6. Our teacher separated 3 missions to us, and my team did the easiest one. We just needed to scale the powder of culture medium which is called Gause’s Synthetic Agar, and then dissolved it completely in boiling water, at last moved the liquid into flask and encapsulated it, that’s all! Compared with others, we were the most effortless! They should scale a lot of material and then cooked them for a long time. I never expected I would have such a pressure beginning in food microbiology experiment.

After that, we went to search some information about our papers of food in floor three. That’s the most unfortunately time today, my flash disk was infected by computer virus! I had never had such experience before! Just now, my Kaspersky Anti-Virus had killed it. It’s a Trojan virus. The phenomenon of infected this virus is that there will be a .txt files in your flash disk, however, you can’t open it, and when you deleted it, it will appear again, and in others names! Those names are all some sensitive words. And I even wanted to format the disk to remove the entire virus, but it didn’t work! Just Anti-Virus software can solve such problem.

The food chemistry experiment in afternoon was terrible. Most of the time, we were waiting, I waited our life in that classroom, I don’t’ think that can be a good feeling.

I should stop now; I should have a good rest, and then face my two experiment reports!



By xrspook @ 17:11:19 归类于: 烂日记

I am not familiar with this topic at all, and I don’t have any interesting in it, however, no matter I love it or not, the composition of CET-4 will come out in its own way. I’m not the teacher who designs the test paper, all the thing I could do is exert myself to adjust to it. After the English classes this afternoon, I suddenly realize one thing that during the examination, when finish my compositions, the only thing I should do it do my best to show my fluent beautiful English instead of my creative mind. Even though the thought is out-of-date that won’t have any problem. The composition of CET-4 is not a stage for me to show time my idea. I should completely understand this important point. I’m just a plain Jane with new idea, but a super star with wonderful sentence. There are a great difference between writing English and speaking English, and now I should tell them apart. Composition in CET-4 is a platform to show excellence words, so my hard workings in vocabulary are meaningful now.

I have hate imitate essay since I were a pupil. In my opinion, imitate other’s articles just like thieve their fortune. Still remember when I was a little child, my parents always asked me to "imitate" others’ good words or wonderful sentences (of course, just in Chinese not in English, for they don’t know English at all). I did my best to revolt against those kinds of behavior. I even seared that I wouldn’t do that thing all my life. Nevertheless, I have to eat my words now. If I want to write a wonderful essay composition in the CET-4 that’s not far away, I should do more imitating. I should improve my ugly writing English in this way. From now on, composition is not only a way to release my feeling, but also a sword to win more awards in the furious battle. I don’t mean to do such thing, but I’m very sorry, I have to. Please forgive me.

From this line, I have to do some revolution, and today I will imitate the first paragraph of The Telecommunications Revolution (New Horizon College English 4, Unit 4, Section A) with the main idea of subway in Guangzhou:


A transformation is occurring that should greatly boost living standards in Guangzhou nowadays. Distance that until recently was a great problem are rapidly acquiring up-to-date subway that will convenient both Guangzhou and the areas around it. It may take a long time for many old cities such as Beijing or London to improve the utilities in transport. But the dragons which under the ground can help Guangzhou to lick such stick traffic issue. By constructing the subway, the whole pressure of traffic can be easily get rid of. In this way you can be in time at your date without worrying the traffic jam or long distance. A spider’s web of subway is already saving your time and pushing Guangzhou to become one of the most modern big cities.


A transformation is occurring that should greatly boost living standards in the developing world. Places that until recently were deaf and dumb are rapidly acquiring up-to-date telecommunications that will let them promote both internal and foreign investment. It may take a decade for many countries in Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe to improve transportation, power supplies, and other utilities. But a single optical fiber with diameter of less than half a millimeter can carry more information than a large cable made of copper wires. By installing optical fiber, digital switches, and the latest wireless transmission systems, a parade of urban centers and industrial zones from Beijing to Budapest are stepping directly into the Information Age. A spider’s web of digital and wireless communication link is already reaching most of Asia and parts of Eastern Europe.

I think you can easily pick out the sentence from the original and mine. That’s the difference of professor and everyman. Maybe it’s time for me to consult some problem from my teacher.

Revolution must be continuous!!!!!!!!!

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