
Should Be Changed

By xrspook @ 18:50:51 归类于: 烂日记

From now on, the log which I write in school must in English, because I have to practice this sword before the CET-4 battle. I have been lazy enough, it’s time to change. I don’t like make any excuse, which just make me cheat me and lie to others. You can see, I even don’t know how to write a sentence fluently.

The heart and the hand must in the same step, I can write out when I have any idea. The days before, it’s just a very common ability for me, but now… ability and capacity seems like each others, however we must find out the difference and remember them firmly. Ability emphasizes the action, and capacity more used to describe the power you can learn or earn or not. If a word you can describe very easily in English, I think there won’t be nothing to worry about it, however, the real word is far from so simple, how I can remember so many words in a few months, and beyond it, I should deeply tell the differences between them, that’s the question. ("that’s the question" make me easily remember Hamlet, he said: To be or not to be, that’s the question…A famous sentence of our price.)

Let’s talk about the first day of this term (the spring of 2006, in fact, I should call it spring of 2005, because it belongs to the academic year of 2005). I will learn my professional courses from this term. And the first course of them is called General Experiment of Food Chemistry(《食品化学综合实验》), it’s just the translation of me, because after looking through the textbook, I can’t find its English name. No matter what happen I should like this course, it’s my professional course and the teacher is belong to our food college; marking a bad effect on them seems not good for my future. And it’s time for me to work hard, I can’t have the idea of study one thing is to face the final examination and then forget them completely. Maybe one day I should live on this course, it seems the only knowledge I can depend on. Without the sharp point, what I should be proud of ?!

I am changing…

1 条评论

  1. relena

    Your blog is really nice and you are really a good writer! I was searching for a news about SCAU and happened to read your blog. We are in the same school, quite a coincident isn’t it? I like the music so much? Could u tell me the name of it? relena@163.com thx~
    xrspook 对 relena 的回复: 2006-02-21 23:00:31
    OK:) I will tell you tomorrow:))))


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